1. LOLOLOL Korvan you still playing on MOP even though you complained about it months ago? What a doofus.
    im not playing that much, i played abit on the start of the season and few weeks ago, but i can tell you that the they shouldnt give rewards to no1, the server is bugged as hell especially locks and mages with buff stacking and mage speccing invokers before arena starts to get 20% more sp for 20 seconds or whatever then swapping back to their other talent, and not talking about locks cs'ing anyone between pillars \:

  2. I hope u know the diffreents about buggs or abuse ^^

    cs through pillars are buggy
    mage talents switch before arena starts are abuses
    buffstacking bug usually u can report withs screenshot that talents abuse :o
    ye u play hunter no need to sielence behind pillar right c: thats why u dont need to qq about that ^^

  3. Arena Season 2 will end on September 20th, 2015 on all realms.
    Is this confirmation that prideful is coming to mop?


  4. In regards to the MoP rewards situation, we would like to reward the effort of the players that have fought during the season and it was slightly different in terms where we could check and monitor the ladder with extensive internal tools but on the other hand we're also aware of the numerous difficulties and bugs that the players have faced during the season so our decision is the following, we'll have the titles as rewards but they'll be only temporary and they will last for only one season and after that they'll be removed.

    Other realm's rewards (titles) will be permanent as usual.
    Still makes no sense, buff stack Warlocks with two shamans in the team (6,000 mastery + 20% spell power) dots ticking for 40k.

  5. What the hell did u guys do to my MOP?? since past 2 days i m stuck at "Retrieving Character" screen.. Please Fix that before u add in any more useless updates.. How are we supposed to play when we cant even login? whats the point of u adding new content when people cant even login in the game to play it??? PLEASE HELP!

  6. ANy info about new tier? or next season will be again grevios...or it will be changed midseason and donors will get full gear while ppl who don't spend money on that wil be in disadvantage and old thing will happened again and again.... PLS give us some info!!!

  7. Yup i would like to get any info about new season, same tier or new?

  8. This question been asked alot of times. Prideful gear will be released after they develop most of Siege of Orgrimmar bosses. So until SOO is at least half out, don't exept anything.

  9. and yet I want an official statement from a mod or something cus ppl saying ya they asked aloot of times means nothing to me....

  10. There will be no new pvp gear available after next season starts.

  11. There is a ton of wintrading going on in the 2s ladder on Neltharion regarding a group of people. Please make sure to investigate this. All proof and reports will be sent to GMs in the next day or so.

  12. No coins this Season? Why? Also, why does r1 in 2v2 gets same rewards as r2 and r3? doesnt make any sense. R1 should always get something special.

  13. There will be no new pvp gear available after next season starts.
    So this means no reset on CP/HP for Frostwolf?

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