1. MEANWHILE: SOMEWHERE in the ever darkening Eversong forest:

    Sylvannars eyes fluttered open. A sharp pain caused him to reach for his head- but wait, he couldn't reach... his hand was stuck. Wedged on either of his sides, his arms were pinned...

    The bloody brunette looked around the cylindrical enclosure. "Where the fel...?" He struggled a moment and was able to loose his left hand but still not move it. A dripping sound catching his attention as he looked down, - downer, the blood was way past rushing to his head. Below him by a foot was the ground and around him what appeared to be bark... old bark, rotting old bark of a dead tree...

    Tiny drips of blood leaked from the side of his bushy eyebrows onto ...what looked to be the ground in the center of a long dead tree trunk.

    His memories came crashing back to him and it fueled his struggling. "That son of a - Fu do bur ago dun." He cursed in some gibberish under his breath.

    Tristyn has not kicked his keister but shoved him inside the trunk of a tree, upsidown.

    While the act had likely saved him from death by roaming ghoul, the question was- how the hell would he get out one armed?

    And more urgently... he really had to pee....

  2. Tristyn raised an eyebrow, even the slender hairs of his white brows were somewhat stained a dark red. Her mad cackle at thw end of her loss of hope speach threw him for a loop. "Yea..." He wants sure how to respond, or perhaps it was the loss of blood making him dizzy. "But that ain't no reason ta give up on the light." His helium voice persisted as he wiped his bloodied nuckles on his vest, the rest already spattered with dried gore from earlier, then he returned his hand to his nose and a little 'crack' sound followed as he snapped the cartilage back into place. His hand fell to his lap as he sniffled, face wincing. "After all, if no one has faith, how we all gonna get out a this darkness?" He completely ignored her 'what happened to you' question. An eyebrow kept raised as he forced a smile... he was missing a tooth.
    Selvarria looked back down closing her eyes and sighed before looking at him again "I used to have faith..I used to have a lot of it and hope in the light...But look around you, what did that faith and hope do for us? Those monster's are still out there killing more of us and raising us as undead. My family who served and believe still died at their hands when they swarmed Silvermoon...My friend's the same thing...Im all alone now...So faith to me, it died." She brought her head back down and buried her face in her knees

  3. ((I'm laughing imagining sylvs legs kicking out of some stump with his muffled cursing. Woop woop for /rolling a solid 100))

    Tristyn signed and scooped inward. "I'd reach out and hug ya', woman but I'm afraid I'd cover ya robes in something awful." With Sel's face between her knees she might feel him close enough to feel his heated breath on her - daring to get awkwardly close but holding himself back due to his sorry state. Aplying a similar tactic as his sister: "ya can't give up hope. Even if ya folks and friends fall, they'd want you to keep on the right path. Doesn't do em any good ta give up. If ya forsake the light, how they gonna give ya strength in all this darkness?" He looked around- it was getting dark. "Come on robes mcgee' he would offer her help up by extending his gritty, callused, but mostly clear palm. "Ya needed by many inside and it ain't safe ta go it alone in the darkness. Don' be letting inner demons get the best a ya, I know ya better than that." He'd smile again, so bloody... "put on ya brave face, ya can do this."

  4. Channeling magic was the basics of the basics. Any secret uncertainties Lys might have harboured all but melted away as she received her instructions. "I can do that," she promised, rushing to throw off her sheets and stand from her cot.

    Perhaps she rushed a little too eagerly. With gritting teeth and a pained scowl, her hand shot to her bandages once more, and for a moment she stood doubled-over in agony. Deep breaths. Don't get too excited. She had to remind herself to temper her enthusiasm. She'd be no use to anyone passed out on the floor.

    Once she'd regained her composure, Lys stepped towards the circle, looking to her leader before taking her place. He was so clean. He had such an aura of regality. Suddenly, she felt self-conscious about her own appearance. Matted, dirty clumps of tangled, greasy hair, body stained brown with dirt and grime over pale patches of malnourished skin, dark circles that sagged around her eyes and betrayed all the sleepless nights she'd spent locked up alone in Silvermoon. There was little difference at first glance between her and the walking dead. But she couldn't rest yet. Not until this was over. Not yet...

    She nodded assuredly to the magister, making clear that despite her state and appearance, she was up to the task before her. Then, she raised her hands and channeled whatever arcane energy she could muster deep inside her. She had plenty to give - novice spellcasters often had more mana than they knew what to do with, and Lysarra was no exception. But she knew he could make use of her power. So no matter how much he needed, she would give all of it. If it saved them from this mess, he could take all of it...

  5. ((I'm laughing imagining sylvs legs kicking out of some stump with his muffled cursing. Woop woop for /rolling a solid 100))

    Tristyn signed and scooped inward. "I'd reach out and hug ya', woman but I'm afraid I'd cover ya robes in something awful." With Sel's face between her knees she might feel him close enough to feel his heated breath on her - daring to get awkwardly close but holding himself back due to his sorry state. Aplying a similar tactic as his sister: "ya can't give up hope. Even if ya folks and friends fall, they'd want you to keep on the right path. Doesn't do em any good ta give up. If ya forsake the light, how they gonna give ya strength in all this darkness?" He looked around- it was getting dark. "Come on robes mcgee' he would offer her help up by extending his gritty, callused, but mostly clear palm. "Ya needed by many inside and it ain't safe ta go it alone in the darkness. Don' be letting inner demons get the best a ya, I know ya better than that." He'd smile again, so bloody... "put on ya brave face, ya can do this."
    Selvarria looked at him as her eyes started to water and took hes hand helping her up to her feet, look at the tent then back him "Ill try too...no promises" She gave him a very weak smile "Seems like there's something going on by the tent anyways might as well go check what it is.." She said as she looked over and saw a man very clean despite the current situation performing some sort of ritual and helping him the girl she had healed before she left to check the city, with a low voice she asked "Who's him? He seems rather well despite the the mess we are in" as she pointed the man.

  6. Rounding one tree than dashing towards the back of another; Suzina was gaining ground. With each movement she was sure footed and cautious to make as little noise as possible. There had been a few straggling ghouls in the cover of the woods but most of them were still as death, simply standing there or pacing in no general direction. She didnt want them to notice her... A glance around every tree before moving again. The small arcane shard consented in her pocket- she'd get it to its new home or die trying. Too many lives were on the line to four this up. As she moved she reflected on the magisterial words.
    "There should be a hillside not far from here, a plateu that grants a better overview of the situation. If anything, it would be a reasonable position for any military mind to go to. We shall put up our future headquarters there and reconquer the magical realm from there. Scout ahead and use this to mark the location, so that we will find our way there through the nether."
    Nearing the platue she paused... ears twitching as she listened. Her heart raced as what ever it was it sounded angry. The cracks of dead tree bark and angry muffled swearing caused her eyebrows to furrow.

    In the short distance... was what appeared to be a tree with legs for branches... and the kicking branches adorned what appeared to be her pants.


  7. "Who's him? He seems rather well despite the the mess we are in" as she pointed the man.
    Tristyn raised an eyebrow to view the newcomer. He hadn't been there when he'd entered nor when his sister had made the announcement about needing more magi- speaking of his sister... he started scanning the area for her, quietly replying. "No idea but hes got some glowing blade, likely some mage." He took a closer look, his eyes strained. If he was a mage he might be able to conjure up some grub. His stomach growled at the tought. Even through all that was happening, he still had to eat... they all did. Why was he waving around some magical weapon?

    Tristyn spit what appeared to be his missing tooth onto the ground. "Could also be some Silvermoon polotician- maybe his spoiled son." The arcane light the younger male wielded put a bad taste in the farstriders mouth... worse taste than the blood.

    "Best leave em to his do'hickey magik- way I understand it, it's their version of light but it ain't as effective." Tristyn truly knew nothing of magic despite being quel'dorei. "Speaking of effective things, ya got any spare bandages?" He pointed to his face as they might walk a bit closer to watch the arcanists work, stopping a few feet from the scene to give 'em space.

  8. The aspiring Magister was gaining a clear state of mind, quickly after Suzina left and Lys made her approach. He had to focus, that was his purpose for now. It was upon him and his helpers, to assure the safety of his people. Of all their people that remain.

    Suddenly, Lorellan took a hold of Lys' hand, holding it firmly in his own hand that was covered with a white silken glove. Shortly after, she might feel a draining on her manapool, as if someone sucked it out needily. Its effect was quickly visible, as the beam connecting his other hand with the arcane teleportation rune would suddenly become even brighter, more powerful and more delightful to watch.

    They would remain in that pose for a long while, hours even, hours in which Suzina was able to reach the desired location, or so he was hoping. Hours which seemed to pass within seconds, as their were in a focused state of mind, set into that by himself without Lys possibly even noting. However, it drained them empty of alot of their mana, it weakened them and made them vulnerable.

    As the day came to dawn and thus to and end, nightfall setting in, it finally happened. Suddenly, Lorellan opened his eyes and shouted out, letting go of Lys' hands in order to suddenly make a bright spark of arcane illuminate the entirety of the big tent and the immediate objects and living beings around it.

    "Endala finel endal!"

    Suddenly they all disappeared for a split moment, just to reappear at the desired plateu or wherever the shard was located at by now.
    Shortly after, knowing that they have done it succesfuly, the Magister sent a smile towards Lys. "Grand work, Miss Lightseeker." He nodded briefly, before heaving a deep breath, seemingly closing his eyes in order to regain focus, eventually to meditate.

  9. Suzina squinted… first at the legs peeking out of the top of the tree, then to the left and right before she silently and swiftly made her way over. She crouched low as she listened to the muffled cursing of the assumed ***** inside. It certainly smelled like him…Quietly sighing as she shut her eyes annoyed she peered over to the platue.

    She had a mission 1st and for most but she couldn’t leave Sylvannar here…
    How did he even get in there!? Her thoughts pieced it together almost instantaneously. Tristyn… Her brother had left his squad leader to die… in a tree… upsidown, with his lower half exposed to wondering ghouls.

    She had to hand to him… they had done some pretty dreadful things to each other but this was one of the most clever and cruel… and he DIDNT outright kill him. Bravo…

    An eyebrow raised as she pondered Sylvannars misfortune in silence, still listening to him struggle and likely curse. He likely didn’t know she was there… And there wasn’t a ghoul in sight, luckily for him.

    She examined the dead trees bark for a moment. A few good kicks in the weaker parts would free him…

    She then peered up. Why on Azeroth was he wearing HER pants!? That particular pair had gone missing a week ago… She glared in silence. When they had partnered up to scout a disturbance near the boarder. A deeper glare followed as she viewed what appeared to be the most distasteful stains and started to get wind of the worsening smell…

    But the platue… It was just a short distance…. So close.
    Silently she took a step towards it but then a grin twisted onto her lips and she raked her nails across the tree bark, groaning lowly before dashing off in silence to go place the glimmering arcane shard somewhere safe.

  10. "Endala finel endal!"

    Suddenly they all disappeared for a split moment, just to reappear at the desired plateu or wherever the shard was located at by now.
    ((just in time, so we're all on the platue? Which means we're a short distance away from Sylvannar as well. Correct me if I'm wrong?))

    Just as Suzina had placed the glimmering shard down and paced back to Sylvannar - the entire camp seemed to materialize behind her... ((if that is the case)) she's now hiding behind the tree Sylvannar was stuck in.

    *shocked wide eyed stare*

  11. ((You would…just my luck lol))
    Sylvannar’s kicking and cursing stopped abruptly as a low growl and scratching could be heard just outside the thin walls of the dead tree trunk. His heart pounded in his chest, his joints locked up… and all of a sudden he no longer had to pee.

    He froze, unable to move. He was terrified. The cool nights air hitting his now wet lower half made him realize just how F***ed he really was. If this was a ghoul, even an weak one, he was powerless to stop it and screaming now would only reassure the ghoul that he was a free, advertised meal.

    Moments felt like an eternity as he didn’t move. He didn’t dare… his breathing slowed as well. He was terrified.

    Then, as if the light of the Sunwell itself had shined upon him; the dim tree trunk light up from some strange light just outside. He could see every line in the bark, every crevice, where the cracks were to escape and the concerning pool of blood on the ground below him. How long had he been bleeding upsidown? Perhaps this was it. He was dead… He’d reach for the light but his arms remained pinned to the sides.

    Perhaps this was hell…He silently held back his tears and sniffled as quietly as possible.
    He was going to die. Here. Alone. Upsidown. In this tree trunk. Terrified. Pissing himself…
    …and in stolen women’s pants.

    ((there, ya happy? Lol))

  12. ((Assuming we are at the new location))

    The sudden teleporte got Selvarria by suprize as she didn't expect the spell to be done, as she came to realize her new surroundings it seemed safer then the one before that was certain, she turned to the ranger while looking in her bag, finally finding what she was looking for. "Here..sorry I cant heal you with the light anymore...Not for now anyways..or forever, we will see..." She gave him the bandages and turned to the new man crossing her arms and talking in a nearly harsh tone " You seem rather clean and quite normal despite whats going on, and if what the ranger behind me said is true about you being the son of some high magister or anything I don't really give a damn so tell me, who are you and why did you take us here." Her gaze constantly on him.

  13. ((Please don't wait on my replies for the time being ^^; currently battling a fever, makes it hard to string thoughts together and RP))

  14. ...he started scanning the area for her, quietly replying. "No idea but hes got some glowing blade, likely some mage."

    "Could also be some Silvermoon polotician- maybe his spoiled son."

    "Best leave em to his do'hickey magik- way I understand it, it's their version of light but it ain't as effective."
    " You seem rather clean and quite normal despite whats going on, and if what the ranger behind me said is true about you being the son of some high magister or anything I don't really give a damn so tell me, who are you and why did you take us here." Her gaze constantly on him.
    ((CAREFUL- never said magister.))

    Tristyn took the bandages in a clumsy fashion and proceeded to figure out where to start with... the man was pretty caked in gore and blood. He started looking for water to wash his wound...

  15. The climax of the spell took a greater toll than the young elf anticipated. At its conclusion, she felt utterly spent - no surprise, seeing as how she gave all her energy to ensure the spell's success. Her knees at last buckled, and her legs fell out from beneath her, and with how fast her head hit the floor, she was truly lucky the grass under them was so soft... Or else she might have to worry about a concussion, on top of everything else.

    Down, but not out. Lys knew how to keep herself awake. Though her ragged breaths and rapid heart beat betrayed the stress her body was under, she still managed to wear a shaky smile through it all. Too weak to stand, too weak to speak, she just lay there, catching her breath, and despite everything, she was still filled with pride. Not bad, for a novice.

    Oh, if her father could see her now... She could probably still muster enough energy to spit in his face.

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