1. when is start work again Cow and Snow event ?

  2. No more?
    Then why the server crash every hour?

  3. Proterean I need an awnswer from you
    are you going to up events again or no more?

  4. Any chance 2 get the snowman and cow event on ?

  5. Snowmen will be making a comeback tomorrow. Not yet sure about others. Will post any updates here.

  6. No stairs event on Neltharion either? ( just downloaded cata for this very purpose)

  7. So snowman is tommorow moring or night ?
    and Where?

  8. when is stairs event starting on neltharion? am i looking at the right time (20:21 server time)

  9. How do I get to the stair event? There is normally someone in the Valley of Hero's and there isn't anyone there this year. I've been trying to figure this out for 20 minutes and no one knows.

  10. Snowmen will be making a comeback tomorrow. Not yet sure about others. Will post any updates here.
    When will u post it ? Tomorrow ? Cuz is't already 22:10 Here

  11. Snowman heh, If you gona relese snowman's add them more then 5 per wotlk zone coz that sux alot and its hard to find them...

  12. so there is no stairs or maze event that is always open? that sucks for the people who can't really play during the event times.... like me *sigh

  13. So, snowman is comeing back in few hours but we need to know exatly in what server time cuz some of us are working, going to school etc, atleast some info pls

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