1. My brother got into 5-Men Boxing recently after watching me do it for years. Would it flag anything if two people in the same household are 5 Boxers on different PCs

    Less AH monopoly, we will finally have a better economy. Blizzard recently banned MBoxers due to the economy of their servers. Ordinary players struggle more to gather herbs/mines to sell for cheaper due to mboxers.
    When it comes to mining and herbing, more characters does not mean the rate will increase because you still have to control them all and if they are automatically controlled its botting. When you quest can only do in sets of 5, but what will change for the economy is WG shared the weekly quest between raid groups and all the Farmed Gems from the Gem Vendor.
    Edited: March 29, 2021

  2. I just put a couple hundred bucks into my computer last month, and finished leveling my 10man team literally 2 days ago. I guess my first 'solo' voa will already be my last ever 'solo' raid. I guess I'm lucky I waited a couple days to donate for queue skip, saves me 100$.
    Any chance there will be exceptions for players who only do pve?

  3. Greetings multiboxing community,
    Therefore, with all of the data in mind, and in hope of ensuring both multiboxing to exist and to ensure at least some modicum of fairness in the gameplay, we will further limit multiboxing to 5 characters at a time. This change will go live on March 29, 2021.

    Originally, the date was selected to be April 03, 2021 but had to be changed due to several teams of multiboxers who were impacting server performance on March 29, 2021.
    How will this be implemented? According to each computer or to each IP. We are more than one in here playing each on our computer and a couple of us are often logging on with two accounts at the time (sometimes shortly).

    What will happen if in our household, from different computers, we have 6 or 7 characters online at the same time?


  4. Logging 100 accounts 5 at a time is not a problem at all.
    but u cannot go in bgs with 25 toons at one time to farm 75k honor on 25 toons to have 175 gems in a few hours. Finally the majority of players have their last laugh!

  5. Welp, glad i didnt pad anymore of my accounts with $1000+ us like some did just to try multiboxing lol, I guess id just be screwed if i did then.

  6. No. Blizzard never banned MBoxers and there is still a lot of MBoxing in retail.

    What Blizzard did was to ban Input Broadcasting. See it here:

    Therefore ISBoxer has changed its program so multiboxers still can play. The program they are using now is called Joe Multiboxer and is not using input broadcasting (it is here: https://joemultiboxer.com/), so there is still a lot of MBoxing in retail and it is not banable.

    Multiboxing is just the fact of been logged in and playing more than one account at the time. When I log on two of my accounts to boost one of my low level in some dungeons, I am multiboxing (even though I move them manually).

    Multiboxing has never been banable by blizzard and use of 20 or 30 accounts using an addon not using input broadcasting is perfectly okay.

    This is a joke, right?

  7. Talk about throwing a tantrum. They announced they were gonna limit multiboxing to 5 man, and within one hour every horde multiboxer (even some on ally) went to SW just to make the game unplayable for everyone else. How childish can you be? Ruining the game experience for literally thousands of people because you can't have a 25:1 advantage any longer, but have to make due with 5:1?

    You're just further proving Warmane, and it's player base, that it was the right call.

  8. Welp, glad i didnt pad anymore of my accounts with $1000+ us like some did just to try multiboxing lol, I guess id just be screwed if i did then.
    What were you planning to do exactly? Mine was spend 320 coins x 25 chars to celebrate graduating dental school with a mainly DK team for wPvP but decided to hold it off because I had a gut feeling this was coming because of all the new boxers. Now the plan is to spend it in Orlando at Universal and Disney World and very excited :P

    Edit: Right now me and my bro 5 Box, so will see if we get login issues. If it's by IP instead of number of players your actually boxing were out of here. On my college campus there were large groups of people that played on Private WoW servers together so it could be a issue to normal players who do that kind of stuff.
    Edited: March 29, 2021

  9. Long overdue change, thanks Warmane! You won't be missed, multiboxers!

  10. Ruining the game experience for literally thousands of people because you can't have a 25:1 advantage any longer, but have to make due with 5:1?
    It was never 25:1, but people liked to kamikaze into teams of MB for some reason.

  11. You had a 25:1 advantage over a single player. Coordinating 25+ other people in WG is literally impossible unless you join as a premade.

  12. i can see this back firing for pvp..5 man is going to be doable by just about anyone. instead of five or ten 25 man groups i wouldn't be surprised to see 100s of 5 mans pop up... and then some will group up and you'll have premades of 5 man boxers.

  13. We have discussed between 10 and 5 players as limit and we decided to go with something that we hopefully will not ever change again.
    You can rest easy in terms of our other matters, we are not a community that renders drastic changes unless it has to.
    Originally, the date was selected to be April 03, 2021 but had to be changed due to several teams of multiboxers who were impacting server performance on March 29, 2021.
    Kind regards,
    ... I have lost the trust that anything you say further will not be subject to drastic change. I was playing here for the security the server was providing and now it seems to be gone.
    With all due respect, this is exactly what I was talking about.

    I wish you a prosperous future and the best of luck in your future endeavors!

    P.S. I do not expect a reply to this post.
    I would only advise you to read again my posts. We had to implement this today, because a group of multiboxers were making the realm reach peaks of 3000+ latency and the realm was either going to be entirely unstable or crash.

    We do not do things without reason.

  14. Here is my 2 cents for this. I'm one of the few remaining hardcore PvPers from the time of Molten. Multi gladiator on several Warmane realms, respected in the pvp community. Name isn't important.

    Dear MBX, lets see, you complain about investing so much money into multiboxing, and now 'you're losing it'. Lets break this through.
    You invested hundreds or thousands of $ to be able to boost your ego into 1shooting people or camping cities for hours, destroying PvP raids that took hours to build up from nothing? You made my friends quit, the same people who were in this community since beginning of Molten wow, who had genuine intention to participate in fun world pvp. But you guys complain about stability or losing money over this? Get out. We don't want you here anyways. (20 of you Mbxers including your friends who cannot pvp without you anymore). Want to mbx? Go to blizzard, see how much fun mbxing you'll have there with all the layers and custom scripts that prevent you from abusing it as much as you did here. Let us enjoy our game as intended. Invest your money into something else, like bitcoin, then cry when stocks drop, like you are right now.

    Good job Warmane. One of the best decisions you ever made. We're proud! Don't worry about the few naysayers who're butthurt over something getting balanced for the 99% of us that actually play as intended. I assure you the small money you may lose over these MBX will triple from the people that may come back or not quit over frustration about MBX in pvp.

    Lets bring WPVP and WG back to life.

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