1. I read couple pages of this forum and I got to say you sir, kind of contradicts your own opinions. You said having RDF won't kill world PvP, but at withing couple hours you posted this where u say "what's wrong about levelling all the way from lvl 15?" which directly contradicts to what you said before. Because this WILL kill world pvp. How do you expect world PvP to happen if there are no people in the world? Of course if you allow RDF people will use it from the very moment they get lvl 15. That's how people think. They look for the easiest way, even if it includes sacrificing fun.

    Original post of this forum stated that Warmane dev team is ready to listen to a feedback from people, but you seem to do everything to disprove every opinion you read here, making people feel like *****s, using your biased subjective arguments. Which may not be true either. Like how can you say that there is not many ppl wanting 1x rates, while there is at least couple of them on every single page that wants 1x (eventually 2x) rates. This is how you imagine listening to community?

    And with this approach your responses feel, alas to say, very arrogant. Sniping on people like you do, is in fact very unprofessional. I'm aware of the fact that if you notice this, I might get response in which you attack me asking "what's wrong about saying this or that.." but sometimes people should think about themselves instead of blaming others.... just because they simply are not able to admit they do something in not optimal way. I realize there is many dumbasses with lobotomy in the forum and reading their opinions can easily frustrate anyone, it's like feeling how's your neurons dying but that's not an excuse of being arrogant to people. If i had a bad mood at my job, and thus being arrogant to my clients then trust me sir, i would get fired in matter of days/weeks.
    RDF won't kill wPvP. Lordaeron and Icecrown have RDF (other with high rates as well), they also have strong presence of wPvP. Ever been to Tanaris, Sholazar, STV, Barrens, Hellfire Peninsula, Dark Portal, Nagrand, Borean Tundra, Icecrown, Storm Peaks, Un'goro, Arathi Highlands or Hillsbrad Foothills? Or any random zone with possibility of running to other faction? wPvP will happen.

    RDF leveling from 15 upwards isn't the only way to level. Some players prefer questing over RDF. Queue times vary based on active roles, time of the day and a bit on level. If queue times are really long, people will do quests instead. Also RDF doesn't level your gathering professions either. RDF may cut down wPvP a bit, but don't forget max level wPvP is probably more common eventually than the occasional skirmish that may happen between few leveling players.

    There are some vocal players demanding lower rates (who knows how many accounts are from same user). X5 is what it's atm going to be based on the announcement. If I wanted lower rates myself, I would ask for adjustable rates, not forcing everybody to go through the same. I'm not here forcing everybody should go with the rates I want. I'm about the player given choice of choosing their own EXP rates between 0.5x to 5x, could go as high as x7, but I'll keep the given x5 as an upper limit for now. Those who want their Vanilla x1 journeys can achieve that with adjusted x1 rate. I'm no Vanilla enthusiast/elitist, I like my QoL improvements added to the game, and shorter leveling times. I have no desire to spend weeks on end to level a single character. I'm sure many want to do that, and many who don't. Thus I'm all about the adjustable EXP rates. The best compromise for the situation.

    I wouldn't say there are "dumbasses with lobotomy", but inexperienced, ignorant, out of touch or new players who just may not know how things usually go around here.

    And as Obnoxious stated, I'm no part of Warmane staff.

  2. Seriously, quit with that obtuse argument. That's the name of the game nothing else. If Warcraft I-III had been called Pony Island, you would be playing World of Pony Island right now. No continent or planet or world or whatever is called "Warcraft" in the game.

    If that isn't enough, let's bring out the fact certain people are either ignorant about or love to pretend never happened: the original game had no PvP servers, the original game was PvE; PvP servers came later and PvE servers were called Normal when that happened. So fanboy PvP all you want, but if you're going to say PvE would kill Vanilla, you're saying the game died at launch, which isn't true now, is it?
    I love the ones praising PvP and saying server will die if no PvP! I can assure you that 90%+ of the ones with this kind of post here are gonna roll Horde or never played as Alliance on a Horde majority server. Or they just like the idea of ruinning somebody elses experience!

    I'm gonna roll alliance and I don't like world PvP when I'm leveling (don't get me wrong, I love PvP, it's the main motive for me to play the game). I even help hordes doing their hard quests when I see ones struggling.

    One idea could be to make the smallest faction be able to turn PvP off when leveling.

    I liked the idea that someone gave: "make only the end zones PvP active". Like Winterspreeng, Silithus and the ones like them.

    Another idea would be to charge for an account to be able to turn off PvP. As you said, we should give ideas, not rant here like the majority are doing!

    Long live Warmane!

  3. Hello,

    when can we expect a pre-load for the client?
    Can we get a sneak peak before the beta in form of screenshots or videos from the development?


  4. Seriously, quit with that obtuse argument. That's the name of the game, nothing else. If Warcraft I-III had been called Pony Island, you would be playing World of Pony Island right now. No continent or planet or world or whatever is called "Warcraft" in the game.

    If that isn't enough, let's bring out the fact certain people are either ignorant about or love to pretend never happened: the original game had no PvP servers, the original game was PvE; PvP servers came later and PvE servers were called Normal when that happened. So fanboy PvP all you want, but if you're going to say PvE would kill Vanilla, you're saying the game died at launch, which isn't true now, is it?
    Lol dont take me so literally. Originally the game was different in million other ways, there is no point in that argument. PVP servers are way more in demand, and thats especially true for vanilla, it would blow my mind, if somehow warmane decided to make this one PVE.

    Im pretty sure these pvp andies doesnt realise you have to be tagged for pvp in order to participate for the towers in Eastern Plaguelands and other similar objectives like Hellfire Peninsula and Terokkar Forest. So there you will always find the pvp you're looking for.
    Nobody cares about those towers lmao, seriously boggles my mind how you argue about this topic if you obviously have never played vanilla.

  5. Lol dont take me so literally.
    Don't backpedal on your own caps lock.

    Originally the game was different in million other ways, there is no point in that argument.
    And nowadays the game has Warmode, which is essentially extra-strong PvE, segregating PvPers to a separate phase from the normal game. And yes, I'm calling PvE the normal game. Anyone can see that like 98% (and I'm being generous here) of the content is PvE. I still recall the lovely ruffled feathers when I pointed out the reality that PvP is a side thing for the game. Like pet battles. The amount people do or don't do it won't change that simple truth, it's a minimal part of the content.

    So the original has no point, the present has no point, when is there a point?

  6. Don't backpedal on your own caps lock.

    And nowadays the game has Warmode, which is essentially extra-strong PvE, segregating PvPers to a separate phase from the normal game. And yes, I'm calling PvE the normal game. Anyone can see that like 98% (and I'm being generous here) of the content is PvE. I still recall the lovely ruffled feathers when I pointed out the reality that PvP is a side thing for the game. Like pet battles. The amount people do or don't do it won't change that simple truth, it's a minimal part of the content.

    So the original has no point, the present has no point, when is there a point?
    Why are you asking me, it was your argument. Like i said, anytime there was a big vanilla pserver, it was PVP, and thats because WPVP is so big on vanilla, because there are so many world resources and objectives to PVP over. But judging from this comment section most never played vanilla, so i guess there is no point arguing anyway.

  7. Why are you asking me, it was your argument. Like i said, anytime there was a big vanilla pserver, it was PVP, and thats because WPVP is so big on vanilla, because there are so many world resources and objectives to PVP over. But judging from this comment section most never played vanilla, so i guess there is no point arguing anyway.
    Short memory? You were the one with the whole "it's World of WARcraft" thing.
    Also forgot this isn't a Vanilla server? Vanilla will be just the starting point, soon left behind as it moves to Burning Crusade and finally arrives in Wrath of the Lich King.

  8. Hello,

    when can we expect a pre-load for the client?
    Can we get a sneak peak before the beta in form of screenshots or videos from the development?

    No need for any client downloads if you already have 3.3.5 client. The whole progression realm is based on the very same 3.3.5 client we use for Lordaeron, Icecrown, Blackrock, and past Frostmournes.

  9. No need for any client downloads if you already have 3.3.5 client. The whole progression realm is based on the very same 3.3.5 client we use for Lordaeron, Icecrown, Blackrock, and past Frostmournes.
    I see, thanks. Somehow in my mind I thought we could use a modified 3.4.x client from official Wrath classic. ^^

  10. Don't backpedal on your own caps lock.

    And nowadays the game has Warmode, which is essentially extra-strong PvE, segregating PvPers to a separate phase from the normal game. And yes, I'm calling PvE the normal game. Anyone can see that like 98% (and I'm being generous here) of the content is PvE. I still recall the lovely ruffled feathers when I pointed out the reality that PvP is a side thing for the game. Like pet battles. The amount people do or don't do it won't change that simple truth, it's a minimal part of the content.

    So the original has no point, the present has no point, when is there a point?
    Blizzard themselves have admitted that PvP was a side part of the development of the game and were very surprised of the interest and demand of more PvP content and class balance. So what's your point I don't understand? You hate rouges Ambushing you while leveling your Dudu? So you are very keen to force PvE server otherwise it will be dead server or you personally won't have fun?

  11. Blizzard themselves have admitted that PvP was a side part of the development of the game and were very surprised of the interest and demand of more PvP content and class balance. So what's your point I don't understand? You hate rouges Ambushing you while leveling your Dudu? So you are very keen to force PvE server otherwise it will be dead server or you personally won't have fun?
    If the server turns out to be PvE (God please be) noone is forcing you to play on it. As has been mentioned in plenty of the previous comments you can toggle your pvp on if you want wpvp to happen around you. So no, we wont partake in your griefing of low level players that just want to get around doing their own business without you ruining their experience.

  12. Blizzard themselves have admitted that PvP was a side part of the development of the game and were very surprised of the interest and demand of more PvP content and class balance.
    Did you read what you quoted? Blizzard themselves created Warmode so PvErs don't have to even look at PvPers anymore.

    You hate rouges Ambushing you while leveling your Dudu?
    I don't play on anything that has open PvP, so I don't care.

    So you are very keen to force PvE server otherwise it will be dead server or you personally won't have fun?
    What sort of glasses do you wear to read that much into stuff that isn't written?

  13. Hi @Mercy I have read your post several times, sorry, some points are not clear to me.

    Like Frostmurne this server will have a beginning and an end.

    - What realm will our chars end up in at the end of the cycle?
    Icecrown is a constantly capped server, it's old. Is there a possibility that our chars go to a new server? It makes no sense to send other users there.

    - What is the estimated time frame for the completion of this season?
    I guess it takes about a year and a half. Right?

    - With a shop system like Icecrown and a x5 xp rate don't you think it's all too simple?
    Personally I would prefer a server more like Lordaeron. I believe 3x xp may be acceptable for everyone. Perhaps by increasing the prices of the shop system. Maybe still, bringing the difficulty rating of the dungeons higher, just like on Lordaeron.

    I'm waiting your comment. Thank you.

  14. Please keep the exp at x1 :((

    -- FAQ post --

    It is important to remember that this is going to be a BETA. Once the realm is open and people have play-tested some, we will be opening something for suggestions. Some information regarding the official launch of the realm will remain vague, because they are things that are likely subject to change based on the feedback we get.

    Talents: Will reflect the expansion that is current on the realm. Vanilla content = Vanilla talents, etc.

    Marketplace: To elaborate on what we said on the main post, the plan is to have item releases similar to Frostmourne, but the items will be available sooner. This means that the top guilds will be able to clear the content and get their achievements and whatnot without the assistance of the shop, but the items will arrive sooner on the shop than they did on Frostmourne.

    B.Elfs and Draenei: Disabled until TBC content.

    RDF: Will be enabled with Vanilla.

    Dual-Spec: Will be enabled with Vanilla.

    Debuff limit: Will not be enforced on Vanilla.

    Level cap: Will be level 60 on the Beta realm.

    Raid sizes: 40-man raids will be 25-man instead.
    Will the exp potentially stay at x1 to actually live the full experience!? that would be so great

  15. Blizzard themselves have admitted that PvP was a side part of the development of the game and were very surprised of the interest and demand of more PvP content and class balance. So what's your point I don't understand? You hate rouges Ambushing you while leveling your Dudu? So you are very keen to force PvE server otherwise it will be dead server or you personally won't have fun?
    They admitted that not expecting how people would abuse the system in griefing and overall ruining the experience of others. I've played on servers that didn't force pvp on me and it was a much more positive experience than for example starting out on Icecrown there's a lvl 80 in the zone of the opposing faction, is most likely they are raising hell just because they have 60000 hours on the character and they are bored to bits. To hell with that kind of mindset, I believe if they want to do something new with a more likeable view, PVE is the way for many reasons and I believe you'd say the same as me if you compare Icecrown for example with a PVE server. Lvling time is shorter, the world is more positive and there are no 300kg ******s trying to make me quit the game just because they feel superior with their purchased Shadowmourne. Warmane has a problem with ''PVP'' especially, and yes, I don't call killing low levels just for the sake of it PVP.
    I like the aspect of PVP when put in a relatively fair position and with fitting itemization and balancing and not ''PVP'' between a lvl 80 in full gladiator gear against a lvl 60ish in Hellfire Peninsula with green lvl 60-62 gear, that's ******ed behaviour. I understand very well why people want PVE and I'm with them... the game was designed with PVP in mind because it fitted the world and fantasy but it went wrong when peoples' mentality made it worse.

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