1. abc1231233's Avatar
    stop complaining and just deal with it... this is a rogue forum... this bug helps rogues... who cares about mages.................

  2. Shuushhh its a good thing for us atm..^_-

  3. abc1231233's Avatar
    stop complaining and just deal with it... this is a rogue forum... this bug helps rogues... who cares about mages.................

  4. I was looking for an excuse to bump this. One really good thing to put in your guide is possibly what to get with VP's especially weapons. I still haven't bought daggers on my human rogue because I have no idea what to get. I plan on stacking arp gems so I'm not sure if that factors into the equation. Any clue what I should get?
    My tip to you is, that you should stack AP first. Untill you get better gear and also trinkets like DBW. And if you will have enought gear and you think you will reach atleast 35-40%, after that you should stack arp. Thats my option.

  5. Good job Qu :) helped me with some things.. :)

  6. evrenneneo's Avatar
    Useful informations. Thanks.

  7. howardzinn's Avatar
    Thanks for the awesome guide!

  8. i am requesting some help from op. So heres the deal i currently am fully ap gemmed and i hit plates like a baby. So i am gonna gem for arp i have dbw and marrow25 feet and aiming to get vengeful noose by frost. When im done i would have around 600+ arp losing wrath legs waist and getting wrath arp neck if i calculated right. Wut do u think. should i change more wrath offpieces to pve? Tell me wut u think.
    Btw click my sig for armory link if u need it.

  9. i am requesting some help from op. So heres the deal i currently am fully ap gemmed and i hit plates like a baby. So i am gonna gem for arp i have dbw and marrow25 feet and aiming to get vengeful noose by frost. When im done i would have around 600+ arp losing wrath legs waist and getting wrath arp neck if i calculated right. Wut do u think. should i change more wrath offpieces to pve? Tell me wut u think.
    Btw click my sig for armory link if u need it.
    You should manage your gear to keep some "basic" stats up like, hit cap, ~1k ressil and well get as much arp as you can get... just read my views and options in guide, yours or others might be different so its up to you..

  10. 1k resilience? no point having that much as double dps if u're with lock/sp, if they go on you and you lose, it's your partner's fault, sp/lock with free cast? mmmm....
    Try playing with 700-800, it's way better trust me :P

  11. 1k resilience? no point having that much as double dps if u're with lock/sp, if they go on you and you lose, it's your partner's fault, sp/lock with free cast? mmmm....
    Try playing with 700-800, it's way better trust me :P
    If you think so, like I said i just share my views and thougts and things that i collected from other peoples including retail and so on.. :P Yes of course, this is molten, retail is something different, but in stats there is not much difference I think :). Anyways I just wrote my options and its up to him (Kimblee) If he will follow my tips or not

  12. If you think so, like I said i just share my views and thougts and things that i collected from other peoples including retail and so on.. :P Yes of course, this is molten, retail is something different, but in stats there is not much difference I think :). Anyways I just wrote my options and its up to him (Kimblee) If he will follow my tips or not
    yeah, well i just said i dont find 1k resil needed as sub rogue, 1 more opinion wont hurt i guess :)

  13. i am requesting some help from op. So heres the deal i currently am fully ap gemmed and i hit plates like a baby. So i am gonna gem for arp i have dbw and marrow25 feet and aiming to get vengeful noose by frost. When im done i would have around 600+ arp losing wrath legs waist and getting wrath arp neck if i calculated right. Wut do u think. should i change more wrath offpieces to pve? Tell me wut u think.
    Btw click my sig for armory link if u need it.
    Well here is my tip, drop the shoulders and get relentless shoulders. After you done that use the crafted pants from leather working, the emblems of frost back (wful backs are terrible imo), twirling blades from vote points, the EoF belt. Now you need 1x 10arp+15stam gem, 20hit enchant on gloves, 2x 20 hit gems (chest and EoF belt) to get hit capped and activate your meta. Replace your shoulder/head enchant with AP/resil (you will need it) and replace any other off piece till you have around 900-1k resil. The rest really depends on the PVE gear you have.

    My rogue has 900 resil with around 45% passive arp (54% with talents) and that is as a human without STS and DBW. So basicly your arp should be around 70% passive with talents and a pretty decent amount of resil.

  14. Thank you for your replies ill take a close look at that and my calculations.

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