1. May 7, 2021  
    Thx for this Addon :) ! i try the normal Skada and Recount addons and it dont work.. i try this and all is fine ! ty !!!

  2. May 10, 2021  
    I will check that issue asap.
    Any progress on this?

  3. May 11, 2021  
    Any progress on this?
    It seems to be fixed according to people. But I don't pvp and don't even play lately to tell.

  4. May 12, 2021  
    It seems to be fixed according to people. But I don't pvp and don't even play lately to tell.
    Just tested it is not fixed every time i exit BG Skada shows.

  5. Hello,

    There is one bug, even if i have checked Hide in Solo and Hide in PVP. Every time i exit Battleground Skada shows and i have to click /skada toggle. It is the same when arena match finish and i return in the city. It seems like this options are not working as intended. Want to mention also that i am not in party group when this is happening, playing solo BGs.
    Are you sure the issue is still there?
    I am asking because technically being in a BG means you are in a group.
    When you queue for Arena, you must have a group unless you solo queue, and if it's the case, then it's the arena solo queue fault because I asked people to test and it seems to work fine, after BGs and after Arena (normal queue).

  6. The addon has been updated.

    • 4 months of constant developing and improving since I last posted the changelog.
    • The changelog is so long that if you want to check it please refer to Github commits.
    • The most important recent changes are fixing Activity Time which now gives more accurate DPS & HPS than other addons, as well as fixing Pets Damage.

  7. July 7, 2021  
    • Fully functional Absorbs module.
    • Buffs tracker enhanced..
    • Lots of fixes and tweaks, check more on GitHub.

  8. Hi and thanks for the nice work. I have question. Can you split the healing by Riptide on initial and Hot healing as for example it is with Flame Shock damage? This is really important especially now when we don't have access to logs.

  9. Own tab for md tot


    could we have an own tab for Missdirect and Tricks of Trait. As a raid lead i would like to see how often they got used and on which targets!


  10. May 17, 2022  
    Ty for your work, this version is definetely the best around and, as a enhancement shaman, it is HUGE to finally have an addon that tracks totem dmg for others in the raid as well.

  11. May 30, 2022  
    Ty for your work, this version is definetely the best around and, as a enhancement shaman, it is HUGE to finally have an addon that tracks totem dmg for others in the raid as well.
    My pleasure.

    It was a personal project at first with the help of WoW Community it became big and out ran other damage meters, including backported ones.

    Hopefully the next version 1.8.78 will be released soon and should be the final version on which all flaws from other addons, all issues from previous versiona and wrong numbers from other addons will be fixed. In fact, since its first release, all changes and fixes were done while comparing Skada to other addons, so I made sure all problems found in them don't exist on Skada.
    Edited: May 30, 2022

  12. Anyone got a problem where Skada doesnt show up at all? i just installed it, didnt have anyother before it ,its in my addons and when im in character menu, but doesnt show in game or interface addons ingame?

  13. May 9, 2024  
    Can someone explain how Skada Improvements works? I got it installed, but it doesn't seem to show up at all. There is no segment at Skada at least. I can compare my damage to other players, but not to my own.

  14. May 21, 2024  
    Nm, deleting and reinstalling fixed it.

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