1. If you have any problem mastering any class, it's not the class but you. Any normal person of average intelligence can "master" any class n wow within a reasonable period of time. I'm tired of all those dumb excuses. I played warriors in WOTLK and Cata, they were not harder to play than they are now. Making macros to avoid the nuisance of manual stance dance does not equal skill. I played other classes as well and they weren't more difficult to play either .
    And if all those classes are that hard to play while warriors need just 3-4 keys, why do all of them hit me with the same goddamn spells/abilities all the time? Well, maybe their buttons / keybinds need just need more skill to press?

    The best part about all this crying is opponents telling me (using /say) how broken my class is during a fight and how I'm gonna lose/suck as soon as they fix DW when they're wearing full grievous and my fury alt is at ilvl 489, dealing 20k DW crits. They don't even realize that it's just them not playing very well.
    But keep blaming the class guys, that way you can keep pretending that you rock.
    That's great and all, but I do wonder why 95% of the warriors that are talking so much now never took a single spot in the top 10 on Cata.

    I do wonder where all your arena titles were before this expansion, and what your highest ratings were on LK and Cataclysm. Compare those to MoP and tell me your rating on MoP isn't higher.

    The class was made simpler without any question. The reason a shield was so important wasn't because macro'ing a weapon swap was difficult, it was because a warrior was unable to deal damage, and had to choose whether he wanted to take his weapon off to get the spell reflect off, or continue pressuring. There were significant implications on gameplay choosing to swap weapons that go beyond a simple macro. Furthermore, by giving warriors 2 extra stuns (stormbolt, shockwave) which are instant cast, along with more mobility than before, it isn't very difficult to cc any player on the map at any given time. You need only charge and cc (shout, shockwave, etc.).

    You're welcome to give subtlety rogues a chance, or balance druids, or fire mages if you think there aren't classes that require significantly more attention to gameplay than warriors. Get back to me when you have gotten a fire mage to 2.2k in 2v2, and I'll accept your claim that no class is any harder than another.

  2. It's sad to see players blaming other classes becuase of their failures,blaming other classes is an excuse for being bad,just bad and sad.They would pretty much suck as wariors aswell,believe me.Like this Synx7 guy,he was whining months and months on the forums how is war op and easy class to master,eventually he made a warrior to prove something.However he pretty much sucked again,loosing in duels ,and in arenas.For eample,i dueled him and i killed him with 80% hp without using any of the def skills.Also i farmed him in arena,one of the shortest Arenas as Warr+healer vs Warr+healer in my game history.At the end he just deleted the warr and returned to his class.

    All in all,i am not saying the warrrior mechanics are so hard to master,but to beat other players like warriors you must simply be The Warrior,not the warrior.

    The Warrior (me),the warrior (random *****in as Synx7 etc)

    They Blame the healer /partners when they loose as warrior.Most of those guys can't hit 2k with over of 200-300 games lel.
    Remember waht were they writing before? " warriors use oneshot bs macro and kill all in few sec even before combat start,easy 2.2k ,no skill)
    ".However he pretty much sucked again,loosing in duels ,and in arenas"
    You're pretty much ******ed. I went at 2k rating as fury warrior/mw monk in less than few hours. Deleted it after a few weeks because it was getting boring, i'd rather make a rogue instead of a warrior. I felt sorry for owning everyone so hard.
    You didn't dueled me. I don't do duels, especially not against 5 bind classes like warriors. I'd rather duel a combat rogue.
    Countless of times , yeah, your class is broken. You suck. I dare you to reach 2.4k rating as a balance druid playing it at its full potential. Keep bashing me , and call us noobs, as you're some wannabepro 5 bind class doing 60k deep wounds crits, and bladestorming in Bg's. Warrior hard class my ***, then why is everyone a warrior? Oh yeah, coincidence. Please get your **** together and **** off
    I've encountered 30 warriors in 30 different arena matches, for cap. All of them were speccing bladestorm and some of them were speccing bloodbath ( because you know ****head, a immobile class/spec, lets say enha shamans as my partner , bladestorm/bloodbath both have only 1min cd.) , and that was at 2.1k rating. I can't go past that , too many warriors around with 100% uptime against warlocks mostly, less against hunters/mages. These 2 classes are the downsides of warriors , mage/hunter because of roots/slows that stops their infinite mobility.
    Good thing i'm a rogue as well, so i'm raping every warrior speccing bloodbath. ( some troubles at stormbolt but still doable), good thing they fixed vanish with subterfuge. It would've been cool to make a monk and ToK all that brokenstorm back to him, but hell i don't like that simple rotations either. I'm complaining about warriors only when im on my warlock because theyre ****ing unpeelable.
    Good thing that u still remember me and u talk about me on forums, thing is, you're the only one here who looks ******ed and defends his class desperately and acts like he's gonna have his warrior nefred ( which warmane won't do. they dont nerf classes, they fix). Dunno why that struggle to protect your 5bind class
    Edited: June 10, 2015

  3. I believe OP's question has been answered. Play a warrior.
    Jokes aside, I'll be closing the thread to prevent further flaming.

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