1. I'm fairly sure it's safe to say that many people agree with Tomsawyer's original post, and I'm glad such a skilled member of the Frostwolf community had decided to speak up. Understandably *as I have played here for almost a year now* there has been absolutely minor adjustments made to the server, and if anything it has gone slightly backwards.

    With the introduction of Lordearon, MoP saw a large amount of inactivity from the Warmane staff, and due to this we felt like outcasts, we were left with a 40% working PvP realm and 10% working PvE, bug filled and imbalanced. After Lordearon was finished players felt relieved and thought, alright maybe some slight progression will come as they work on getting Cataclysm better and then maybe in a year MoP will also be 99% Blizzlike, similar to Lordearon. However Warmane staff decided that merging Deathwing and Icecrown would be a good idea, which I might say so myself was not. I love the thought of having different servers and different communities, which was highly visible on WotLK. Deathwing was for the elitist end games, hardcore raiders. While Icecrown had a really fancy twink base and quite popular. Merging them caused everything to crumble with twinks being forced into a different community and same with raiders, which I haven't revisited but I am sure twinks will be indefinitely gone.

    As for that it's safe to say since the merge there has been zero focus on MoP with all the focus being on fixing even the most minor of bugs on Icecrown. And indeed, the population of Icecrown has grown massively, with there being *usually* the 12,000 cap players. But that's the excuse warmane staff are using. 'Look at how well the WotLK servers have improved'. Yeah, it has improved because you fixed it. Fixing it anymore while you still have the cap players, will not improve the total amount, unless of course you increase the cap *Which I think they will do, to 15,000 within the next month or two*. But the fact is, before the upgrades, WotLK was on around 1,000 more players then MoP and this was due to it being the preferred expansion.

    If MoP received the same attention as WotLK has, I guarantee the playerbase will increase by at least double, triple if not quadruple. Even the same with Cataclysm. I would rather they worked on Cataclysm if it gave MoP a slight quicker boost into receiving soft patches and having the chance of the Cataclysm data being injected into the MoP so we get dungeons slightly early to the hard fixes like Lordaeron was receiving. It's not as though you can say it is tough either, Warmane staff were able to 'and they stated they did' inject the Lordaeron file into the two other servers, meaning could the dungeon scripts not easily be patched into the MoP if not Cata files?

    As for working on WoTLK. Wrath is complete, there is no need to work on having the game one hundred percent fixed, blizzard did not even manage that, there were issues, bugs and many problems which were found in WotLK and still weren't fixed. You do not need to go above Blizzard's level because your servers cannot handle it at the time being. Why be known for just hosting the 'best' WotLK server, when you can be known for being the BEST Private Server HOSTER and not just for one patch, all of them.

    It's not as though Warmane can make a rubbish claim like 'we do it as a hobby' because they are receiving funding, and I swear it is a substantial amount of funding. I am unsure of the figures or whether or not workers such as warmane staff are paid but I honestly believe the funding is within hundreds of thousands per year if not half a year. So please, do not make claims like that.

    The only way I think Warmane can prevent themselves from falling into the 'WotLK Private Server Hosting' section of Advertising websites, is if they at least bring in soft patches, like recommended previously, a dungeon every week or a popular bug patch every other day. Just to prevent all users from feeling abandoned and leaving. It's only fair. Furthermore, I'll tell you what would boost my morale, and I'm sure every user could agree, if Warmane released at least a wide but slightly accurate date of which the staff are planning on fully working on MoP, giving it there all. Even if it is a year or two from now, having that date in mind will at least let, those leaving to have a chance to revisit when the date is released.

    Considering it is 2016 and only just a 2008 patch has been completely blizzlike, is quite astonishing, I am safe to say if MoP users have to wait from the 2014 patch to another 8 years from now, people will leave. And I am telling you Warmane, you will be left with a maximum of 100 online users per day by 2018. I can safely guarantee that.

    Something needs to be done.
    Well said, sir.

  2. However Warmane staff decided that merging Deathwing and Icecrown would be a good idea, which I might say so myself was not. I love the thought of having different servers and different communities, which was highly visible on WotLK. Deathwing was for the elitist end games, hardcore raiders. While Icecrown had a really fancy twink base and quite popular. Merging them caused everything to crumble with twinks being forced into a different community and same with raiders, which I haven't revisited but I am sure twinks will be indefinitely gone.
    There was never a realm named Icecrown before the merge. The two realms were Deathwing and Ragnaros. They were identical in terms of rates and population. There was no different community, and neither was "more for elitists or twinks". Completely false on all accounts.

    The rest of your post talks about a few things, I'm just gonna summarize why they're mostly wrong.

    First of all, wotlk is not the most popular because its the most scripted, its the most popular because it always has been. The only times when our wotlk realms weren't the most populated (combined) was when Cataclysm was the main focus, and the Wotlk realms were left to rot. This was after the release of 4.3.4 on Cataclysm. MoP gained a lot of population prior to moltdown, however even then, the combined population on wotlk was higher. The wotlk population was higher still after moltdown, which was why our second MoP realm, Sargeras, was closed. Mind you, when Sargeras was closed, all realms were complete ****, wotlk as well. Yet wotlk maintained a higher population.

    There were 2 reasons the staff chose to work solely on Wotlk after moltdown:
    a) The owner of this server (Kaer) loves wotlk. It's his choice how he runs the server, and if we don't like it, we can leave. That's just the reality of the situation.
    b) Wotlk is the most popular expansion (and it was on retail as well)

    Ironically, I'm fairly certain Warmane can shut down both their Cataclysm and MoP realms, and still return a profit solely from their Wotlk realms. The reason they don't do this, is because they believe that as long as people enjoy playing here, they should keep the service open.

    Considering it is 2016 and only just a 2008 patch has been completely blizzlike, is quite astonishing, I am safe to say if MoP users have to wait from the 2014 patch to another 8 years from now, people will leave. And I am telling you Warmane, you will be left with a maximum of 100 online users per day by 2018. I can safely guarantee that.
    I assume you mean 100 players on the MoP realm? If so, then yes, I'm surprised we aren't at 100 players already to be frank. Nonetheless, by 2018 this realm should be at least a little bit more enjoyable than it is now. However given how complex literally everything on this expansion is to code, and just how much phasing has been done, it's gonna be tough. There's also very little open-source software available for MoP, so that just makes everything that much harder. I'm actually not sure if it will ever be possible to host an MoP realm with 12k players like Wotlk can, simply because of the sheer amount of content that needs to be handled.

  3. There was never a realm named Icecrown before the merge. The two realms were Deathwing and Ragnaros. They were identical in terms of rates and population. There was no different community, and neither was "more for elitists or twinks". Completely false on all accounts.

    The rest of your post talks about a few things, I'm just gonna summarize why they're mostly wrong.

    First of all, wotlk is not the most popular because its the most scripted, its the most popular because it always has been. The only times when our wotlk realms weren't the most populated (combined) was when Cataclysm was the main focus, and the Wotlk realms were left to rot. This was after the release of 4.3.4 on Cataclysm. MoP gained a lot of population prior to moltdown, however even then, the combined population on wotlk was higher. The wotlk population was higher still after moltdown, which was why our second MoP realm, Sargeras, was closed. Mind you, when Sargeras was closed, all realms were complete ****, wotlk as well. Yet wotlk maintained a higher population.

    There were 2 reasons the staff chose to work solely on Wotlk after moltdown:
    a) The owner of this server (Kaer) loves wotlk. It's his choice how he runs the server, and if we don't like it, we can leave. That's just the reality of the situation.
    b) Wotlk is the most popular expansion (and it was on retail as well)

    Ironically, I'm fairly certain Warmane can shut down both their Cataclysm and MoP realms, and still return a profit solely from their Wotlk realms. The reason they don't do this, is because they believe that as long as people enjoy playing here, they should keep the service open.

    I assume you mean 100 players on the MoP realm? If so, then yes, I'm surprised we aren't at 100 players already to be frank. Nonetheless, by 2018 this realm should be at least a little bit more enjoyable than it is now. However given how complex literally everything on this expansion is to code, and just how much phasing has been done, it's gonna be tough. There's also very little open-source software available for MoP, so that just makes everything that much harder. I'm actually not sure if it will ever be possible to host an MoP realm with 12k players like Wotlk can, simply because of the sheer amount of content that needs to be handled.
    NO, the 2 reasons why they chose to work on wotlk are not those, ofcourse they will tell the community that "we do it because we enjoy it the most"
    * in reality, wotlk is the easiest to script, there are a lot of sources that contributed to the fix from everywhere since the patch is from 2008, a lot of pservs already fixed this and that. and don't forget the fact that wotlk has a small amount of phased areas compared to cata / mop, it took warmane a long time to fix those phased areas in wotlk to work as intended, now figure how cata / mop is gonna be.
    * wotlk is only "popular" because it was back in 2008 but if you check the statistics you'll see that the beginning of CATA was the period with the most population on retail. Also the reasons why blizzard massively dropped subscriptions is
    1. people age and life steps in (most of my "wotlk generation". were 16-19 when wotlk was out...now were 24+ all of us with active jobs and some with families, u try playing wow as much as you did as a kind on retail with all those things keeping you from doing it)
    2. better mmos came out, im not even jk...check guildwars 2 and thank me later

    I also want to point out that warmane population is based on "I'll go where the attention is". Let me explain: Focus was set on making "the best" wotlk realm, everyone was hiped and 50% off all realm members went to lordaeron. Community decided to merge deathwing and ragnaros and every attention seeking kid went to icecrown because of the rates, old active members also came back because hey, who wouldn't considering the entire dev community is focusing on your realm and you can finally do what you couldn't 1 year ago > hence icecrown population boosted and lordaeron population dropping like a rock
    notice how the community requested "a blizzlike realm" but the server can barelly stay at 8k players after icecrown?
    THOSE players that move like in the above example will eventually get back to their "loved expansion" which obviously is not wotlk, they're just wasting time until some attention will be directed towards their fave realm.

    And honestly Dazeotwow is completely right, you can't have 2 expansions, keep them active for a long time with only a small amount of updates and hope the people wont leave.

    Let me give you another example:
    I'm BIS in cata on 2 chars and i've been waiting for the legendary staff for 1 year and a half with no absolute information on that (maybe i missed something but i highly doubt it)
    OFC people leave after a situation like this..DUUUUUUUUH

  4. First of all i apreciate you guys for returning the main essence of the topic back to the top

    First of all, wotlk is not the most popular because its the most scripted, its the most popular because it always has been. The only times when our wotlk realms weren't the most populated (combined) was when Cataclysm was the main focus, and the Wotlk realms were left to rot. This was after the release of 4.3.4 on Cataclysm. MoP gained a lot of population prior to moltdown, however even then, the combined population on wotlk was higher. The wotlk population was higher still after moltdown, which was why our second MoP realm, Sargeras, was closed. Mind you, when Sargeras was closed, all realms were complete ****, wotlk as well. Yet wotlk maintained a higher population.
    Secondly, i have to disagree with you Notorious, I have no idea if you were here in the beggining of mop but when this expansion started we had so many players that we even had queue to enter the server, people were investing so much in their characters, guilds, farming gear, professions etc....then suddently people started reaching maximum level, they noticed that most of the achievements were unavailable, dungeons were all closed, no arenas, no rated bg's and we basicly had only normal bg's to cap our characters, FOR NEARLY 5 MONTHS STRAIGHT......not talking that we were left with tyrannical gear for that same amount of time....then suddently with molten meltdown they came back implementing arenas and new content along with a new season, but then again....after people put so much efford in the first arena season they decided to give no rewards at all, and trust me when I tell you that I'm one of the oldest players in this server so I know almost everyone who sticks around since the beggining and the ones who appear all of a sudden.
    By the rate that this staff is investing in MOP they will surely lose people and not because wotlk is more popular, it's because if you compare it to MOP, that expansion is really nostalgic but it's washed up....just trying to say that you will defently lose all the remaining good players that sitll exist in your server for the lack of content that you develop.

    Best Regards, Tomsawyer
    Edited: August 2, 2016

  5. Wotlk realms were left to rot. .
    Hope thats gonna happen sooner or later, again.


    Thats why its so popular. u can actually one shot here. Just go full pve. Check this guy's armory.
    Edited: August 2, 2016

  6. First of all i apreciate you guys for returning the main essence of the topic back to the top

    Secondly, i have to disagree with you Notorious, I have no idea if you were here in the beggining of mop but when this expansion started we had so many players that we even had queue to enter the server, people were investing so much in their characters, guilds, farming gear, professions etc....then suddently people started reaching maximum level, they noticed that most of the achievements were unavailable, dungeons were all closed, no arenas, no rated bg's and we basicly had only normal bg's to cap our characters, FOR NEARLY 5 MONTHS STRAIGHT......not talking that we were left with tyrannical gear for that same amount of time....then suddently with molten meltdown they came back implementing arenas and new content along with a new season, but then again....after people put so much efford in the first arena season they decided to give no rewards at all, and trust me when I tell you that I'm one of the oldest players in this server so I know almost everyone who sticks around since the beggining and the ones who appear all of a sudden.
    By the rate that this staff is investing in MOP they will surely lose people and not because wotlk is more popular, it's because if you compare it to MOP, that expansion is really nostalgic but it's washed up....just trying to say that you will defently lose all the remaining good players that sitll exist in your server for the lack of content that you develop.

    Best Regards, Tomsawyer
    You're so right, yet that Notorious dude will come and post again to praise his wotlk.

  7. they have to keep old raids and dungeons closed so they can gain money from donator who wants old gear

  8. I agree with this topic 100%. But I and everyone else should know that Raids like BT/SWP/ICC will NEVER be released. Don't try to find reason in it, it's just the way it is. I play here from 2010 or even earlier, and the amount of effort of complete Warmane Staff was never lower. They let cheaters/scammer slide, even though they make people leave server. Few days ago I got scammed for 80k gold, and I had SS where the dude admits scamming me and 8 other persons. I turned them in to GM, and he said he can't do anything about that. O.o Yesterday, that same dude scammed more people, and they just let him slide... I remember coming here from WoWScape, boy that was a buggy/laggy server, full of cheaters/exploiters. But they released ALL of the content, you were able to obtain Warglaives of Azzinoth and all of the other cool stuff, which made people STAY! I think it was a biggest private server before MoltenWoW, now Warmane. Make people STAY, not the opposite...

  9. First of all i apreciate you guys for returning the main essence of the topic back to the top

    Secondly, i have to disagree with you Notorious, I have no idea if you were here in the beggining of mop but when this expansion started we had so many players that we even had queue to enter the server, people were investing so much in their characters, guilds, farming gear, professions etc....then suddently people started reaching maximum level, they noticed that most of the achievements were unavailable, dungeons were all closed, no arenas, no rated bg's and we basicly had only normal bg's to cap our characters, FOR NEARLY 5 MONTHS STRAIGHT......not talking that we were left with tyrannical gear for that same amount of time....then suddently with molten meltdown they came back implementing arenas and new content along with a new season, but then again....after people put so much efford in the first arena season they decided to give no rewards at all, and trust me when I tell you that I'm one of the oldest players in this server so I know almost everyone who sticks around since the beggining and the ones who appear all of a sudden.
    By the rate that this staff is investing in MOP they will surely lose people and not because wotlk is more popular, it's because if you compare it to MOP, that expansion is really nostalgic but it's washed up....just trying to say that you will defently lose all the remaining good players that sitll exist in your server for the lack of content that you develop.

    Best Regards, Tomsawyer
    I was here at the start, and mop population despite the queues was still less than wotlk population.

    As a pvp player, I'm quite amazed you're upset at the lack of arena titles for the first season. Do you honestly feel any player deserved titles for being the best exploiter?

    Anyways, trust me, the owners know this realm is dying, and their actions show that it's no big deal. I would love a working mop realm too, but I'm being realistic and sharing my opinion (which, given that I've been playing pservers since vanilla, means I probably have more experience than you) am saying that it's pointless to expect mop to be any good until mid-late 2017.

    If that's unacceptable, I'm sure you can come up with a solution.

    I do pray and believe that they will focus more on MoP, but I don't see them getting anywhere near what Icecrown is until 2017. Until then, I'm sticking with wotlk (I fond the PvP more enjoyable personally anyways, so w.e).

    Good luck with Frostwolf.

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