1. deathmastered nib lel
    Sunsh jelly cus i have gold while he does not jajajajajajaja


  2. Id Like An Invite

    I Would Like To Have An Invitation To This Guild Please, I'm mainly a dps person just looking for some guild to not be a lone wolf anymore and have something (or someone more like xD) to talk to. Character Names: Trollinz Lvl 80 Ret pally Pve Thedream Lvl 80 Fury Pve warrior/Arms Pvp

  3. merry xmas 2 all nob from dis gueld

  4. merry xmas 2 all nob from dis gueld
    no merry xmas fer me? SJUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUX

  5. Hope everyone had a Happy Holiday :)

  6. sux men
    wish everybody the best of luck for the future 2014

  7. sux men
    wish everybody the best of luck for the future 2014
    tnx and same2u

    + bump for name change *Evilbreaker (foundable in LoD lists) is now called Deathrevenge*

  8. tnx and same2u

    + bump for name change *Evilbreaker (foundable in LoD lists) is now called Deathrevenge*
    WHOA hold on guys. This needs to be front page news. Someone please update the first post to reflect the new changes.

    And while someone else is doing that, can someone get New York Times, and LA Times on the phone? This is like breaking news.

    BTW, just curious, did you tweet about it first? Or did you first post it here, then tweet/posted on your fbook wall next?

  9. WHOA hold on guys. This needs to be front page news. Someone please update the first post to reflect the new changes.

    And while someone else is doing that, can someone get New York Times, and LA Times on the phone? This is like breaking news.

    BTW, just curious, did you tweet about it first? Or did you first post it here, then tweet/posted on your fbook wall next?

    Need 10 chars.

  10. WHOA hold on guys. This needs to be front page news. Someone please update the first post to reflect the new changes.

    And while someone else is doing that, can someone get New York Times, and LA Times on the phone? This is like breaking news.

    BTW, just curious, did you tweet about it first? Or did you first post it here, then tweet/posted on your fbook wall next?
    He's my guilde and all, but this is just gold. I tip my hat off to you good sir, the sheer quality of this post can't be ignored. Well said sir, well said.

  11. He's my guilde and all, but this is just gold. I tip my hat off to you good sir, the sheer quality of this post can't be ignored. Well said sir, well said.
    bumps not always must be infofull

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