1. oh...still bad idea tho,because all what you wrote there is opposite of hardcore so people will not left lordaeron x1 realm...there are tons of ideas tho,but since devs are kinda silent about this topic,is wasting time writing about it...
    There are enough ppl that would prefer to level up faster and with RDF available. If 2k-3k players would leave lordaeron and start on the lordaeron x6 realm then its already enough.
    Later on the low populated lordaeron x6 realm can merge with deathwing and ragnaros which should make it a total of 10k players.
    Edited: January 4, 2016

  2. There are enough ppl that would prefer to level up faster and with RDF available. If 2k-3k players would leave lordaeron and start on the lordaeron x6 realm then its already enough.
    Later on the low populated lordaeron x6 realm can merge with deathwing and ragnaros which should make it a total of 10k players.
    thats ok idea,but it still goes out of the hardcore border...it will be just progressive server,and I'm not sure if devs want to do something like that now...

  3. When we allow skip-queue with donation, we get accused of forcing people to donate. Now we stretched the cap as much as we could, and now the complaints turned to be multiboxers, afkers and people from other ethnicities. So hard to please everybody, oh my. We have some plans for the future, but we can't announce that for now. The reason being we all know when we give estimated dates and they aren't fulfilled in time, right? Right? :P

    The only hint I can give is that we will see how the community will react to our proposal, because it will involve a lot of people. I'm going to close the two other threads about the same subject and link them here.
    Hundreds of afks DO HAVE A SIGNIFICANT impact on the queue. Cant see how that shouldnt be solved.

  4. Will warmane deal with character selection screen abuse ?
    I bet there are at least 20% players afking

    at this moment que reduces only due to people who quit, sinc afkers stuck at character selection screen forever wasting game spot omg qq
    Edited: January 4, 2016

  5. There might be a solution for the population bleeding.
    Open a second lordaeron realm with x6 rates, RDF enabled and a less restricted marketplace.
    Once the latest content is released merge the new realm with deathwing and ragnaros.
    In the end we could have a hardcore x1 realm with around 10k population and a x6 realm with 10k population.
    I wouldn't vote for opening another Lordaeron realm, especially if it were to have a higher rate and or a less restricted marketplace. Ragnaros and Deathwing have all 3 of those things (higher rates, less restricted marketplace and RDF) and both will get the Lordaeron core in due time so opening another realm like Lordaeron and merging it later will be like the server doing double the work to reach the same end.

    At times Ragnaros and Deathwing both still have 3k+ population so they are still viable and necessary to house players. There is a low rate "hardcore", a medium rate and a high rate WotLK realm for players to choose from.

    With Lordaeron currently at times having a "high queue" this can be appealing to new players ("WoW" that many players are trying to play on that realm, did anyone notice the joke? LoL).

    --+-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+--

    During the time waiting on queue to be up players can utilize a second account to play in the meantime instead of complaining about high queues and it doesn't involve anything extra to be implemented. If players want to sit and wait without playing at all it is their choice, not the server's/staff's fault that players aren't utilizing the options they have available in front of them.

  6. Whatever you do, please don't bloody increase the cap unless you can actually reduce the lag somehow. If not, i'd actually rather reducing the cap to like 7-8k so you can provide a competitive experience

  7. Whatever you do, please don't bloody increase the cap unless you can actually reduce the lag somehow. If not, i'd actually rather reducing the cap to like 7-8k so you can provide a competitive experience
    lag was so bad at some point today some rogue kidny shot me i press my trinket and it said to me i cant use that when i am dead......

  8. {side note} Thares are you even still playing? have not seen you logged in in over like 2 weeks.

    Forum Troll :D
    I logg from time to time but i decided after the guild disband i just focus on my studies now and turned into a filfy casual ;) Joking aside! You know i am right and you are wrong ;))

  9. I remember donating few years ago just to avoid the que, I can imagine people doing the same now. Disabling donors from avoiding que is something that made me unhappy :(

  10. as i recall, retail gave you a few minutes to reconnect. warmane doesn't, and it's frustrating to lose your main tank mid-raid because suddenly he's in a 1300 queue. they really need to address this.

  11. as i recall, retail gave you a few minutes to reconnect. warmane doesn't, and it's frustrating to lose your main tank mid-raid because suddenly he's in a 1300 queue. they really need to address this.
    You always stay in-game if you alt f4, you USUALLY stay in-game if you disconnect for other reasons. Usually.

  12. With such delay they should lower to the cap to 8-9K, and not raise it

  13. Or buy more hardware...?
    Upgrades and new hardware cost money...

  14. Ill donate a 100$ right now if you let me skip queue on Lordaeron. :D

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