1. Hello everyone, I am a novice. I would like to ask some questions. I have been upgrading recently. Yesterday, I wanted to do a professional task. When I reached the final step of summoning the Helldog task, the task could not be taken, and the NPC did not display any tasks that could be continued. What can I do? Does any kind-hearted person know what the situation is?
    Hello, Please see previous messages, the issue is global. Need to wait for a fix.

  2. Probably i am gonna roll warlock on Onixya. The thing that bothers me is that ability "Fear" on warmane is so easy to be interupted by direct dmg and dots. It is almost useless to cast fear if you plan to dmg the same target. Yes, ability description says that any dmg can break the effect, we all agree it should work that way, but i can assure you from my experience, there are other vanilla servers (turtle for example), where "fear" is much harder to brake and target is able to take alot more dmg before rng cancels the effect. I don't know which one is the correct rate where "fear" breaks. Can we get official info about it?

  3. Probably i am gonna roll warlock on Onixya. The thing that bothers me is that ability "Fear" on warmane is so easy to be interupted by direct dmg and dots. It is almost useless to cast fear if you plan to dmg the same target. Yes, ability description says that any dmg can break the effect, we all agree it should work that way, but i can assure you from my experience, there are other vanilla servers (turtle for example), where "fear" is much harder to brake and target is able to take alot more dmg before rng cancels the effect. I don't know which one is the correct rate where "fear" breaks. Can we get official info about it?
    Fear breaks after you take 40% of your base hp in damage, including absorbed damage.

    For example 40% of a priest's base hp is 2784, so fear breaks after taking (or absorbing) 2784 points of damage.

  4. Lets be more precise with numbers. Which version of wow you are talking about? Onyxia will be wotlk client but vanilla mechanics, right? There numbers about base health cant be for vanilla. But that's not the point. The point is how exactly "Fear" works.
    And here is my experience on warmane (including on Onyxia beta server). Lets say the rule about 40% of base health is correct. I made some tests with warlock on Onyxia with level 5-10 mobs and with lvl 55+ mobs. In 90% of the cases "Fear" breaks way before these 40% dmg to be reached. It is rare to see full duration of fear effect. And this with only dots on target. No direct dmg spells, no shadow bolt, no big crits or something. Only dots. It is not rare "Fear" to breaks by first tick of the dot spell. Sometimes you feel like "Fear" doesn't even lands in some cases, because it is cancelled imediately. I am not saying that "Fear" should be unbreakable, but it feels like the spell need a little bit of stability here on warmane. Should be more persistent through dots atleast.
    Maybe in TBC and Wotlk expansions "Fear" is nerfed by making it easyer to breaks, i don't know, not so familiar with this. But we will play vanilla mechanics right now and i feel like this skill should be something that can be trusted more from the caster - should be something you trust when used.

  5. Clearly I missed the part about Onyxia. Those were wotlk numbers. If you think the way it currently works is wrong then use the bug tracker.

  6. Talents on Demon Armor Bug (Demonology)

    Talents on Demon Armor (Demonology) doesn't have any effect. They don't give the percentage improvement on the spell

  7. Hi all!
    I play Lock Orc. I accidentally canceled the quest for the Succubus and now I can’t accept or complete it. Who came across it? What to do?

  8. Conflagrate can't be immediately cast after immolation...

    This is so frustrated, I feel like it breaks the class.

  9. Conflagrate can't be immediately cast after immolation...

    This is so frustrated, I feel like it breaks the class.
    It's always been like that. All videos from 3.3.5 show that behaviour. Which sucks because as you say it makes things harder for locks against dispelling classes. Just play a ret like everybody else, I guess.

  10. No it's not, all videos from 3.3.5 that I've seen the conflag is instant

  11. Can you show a link? I watched a few videos from warcraftmovies.com and they all had a delay.

  12. May 7, 2024  
    Hello, I don't see skills to learn from my class teacher, I'm level 15 and the last thing I learned was like level 8, does anyone have a solution?

  13. May 7, 2024  
    Hello, I don't see skills to learn from my class teacher, I'm level 15 and the last thing I learned was like level 8, does anyone have a solution?
    The class trainer window has a small dropdown that says "Filter", make sure to have selected all filters.

  14. Fear breaks after you take 40% of your base hp in damage, including absorbed damage.

    For example 40% of a priest's base hp is 2784, so fear breaks after taking (or absorbing) 2784 points of damage.
    You are wrong, my friend. Perhaps you've made a mistake or havent been precise enough

    Just to clarify:

    If 40% of priests HP is 2784, that means priest is 6960 HP total.
    In other words:
    If someone is 20k hp, fear breaks after taking 8k of dmg points.


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