1. I have been playing for a few months, and recently sold some of the minerals I mined ( which took hours by the way) I reached 6K to buy riding 300. and BOOM The next day, went back to 3k. If you want to do a money squish do it on the right, dunno, 20K above. Not on people who just started. doesn't make sense.

  2. I have been playing for a few months, and recently sold some of the minerals I mined ( which took hours by the way) I reached 6K to buy riding 300. and BOOM The next day, went back to 3k. If you want to do a money squish do it on the right, dunno, 20K above. Not on people who just started. doesn't make sense.
    I then make 20 new accounts and store all my gold on them.

  3. Moral of the story. Rich people maintained their wealth. while the financially vulnerable sink further into hardship

  4. Yes, they may do that. and this isn't about the rich characters.
    This is about the category of people that just started that have spent hours farming.
    There could be other solutions of how to proceed with this squish and on how to promote a healthier economy. I am just reporting the struggle from my view, and letting you know that the decision wasn't fair!

  5. This doesn't change any point of my post. People with less money got pulled back much more, then those who were gathering for years and have been causing the inflation.
    F.e. we are playing 4 of us together at moment and I had only lvl80 chars before. We have gathered around 15k gold for that time, when my 3 other friends will reach lvl80, to be able to get f.e. the highest rank of riding (4x6k=24k). Now we have 7.5k.
    Those who gathered hundreds of thousands of profits and still put some items into the AH for 88k, etc will really have the same situation now in your opinion?

  6. Warmane should check the prices from AH, only few items changed in prices, rest kept the original prices before squish, nice job, i lost all my money for what, to buy items with the same price. GJ.

  7. Yes, they may do that. and this isn't about the rich characters.
    This is about the category of people that just started that have spent hours farming.
    There could be other solutions of how to proceed with this squish and on how to promote a healthier economy. I am just reporting the struggle from my view, and letting you know that the decision wasn't fair!
    Oh it was fair as in equal, what you suggested would be avoided like many of the other suggestions.

    I think it is wrong, the market is unhealthy and trying to do these manipulations have many unintended consequences.

    Theres less incentive to farm and earn gold, craft items to sell, use the AH, trade coins for gold, or even play here.

    Like I have said but will again, we have an economy of scarcity and hoarding rather than abundance and trade.

  8. check AH and see if there are any changes... and before that start typing, we lost gold and AH remains the same. might come to -50% as crafted items with primordials, marrowgar ring, blq and etc, but atm, they are all the same as they were before squish

  9. check AH and see if there are any changes... and before that start typing, we lost gold and AH remains the same. might come to -50% as crafted items with primordials, marrowgar ring, blq and etc, but atm, they are all the same as they were before squish
    Unless someone is willing to buy at the inflated pre-squish prices they will just be returned and relist them for a new appropriate price.

  10. better ban dots, then scam playes.

  11. Hello. I really started to play on Waramane 1 month 1/2 ago, 3 years ago i've just grow a character to 1-64.
    So recently i was upping a DK and started stuff her with many craft and BOE to be prepared to raid because apprently GS is the key. I bought materials/items on very expensive price before this squish. And in addition i lost 15k gold. The timing is incredibly unfair. I didn't read the post on the forum.
    I think it's not a good solution. Rich character and experienced players ON THE SERVER just found a solution to save her gold just before the squish.
    And new players are just weakens. It's ****in unfair.

  12. I have collected gold from 500 to 2500, now it is gone to 1500, even though I was going to use the gold for riding training. is there any solution?

  13. Can someone tell me if my math is wrong. I had 130k gold and now i have 30k. Seems a bit more than 50% or 50% just means arbitrary number.

  14. Oh feelsbadman my account is still banned :/ .. Too bad i was going to come back after 4 years .. good luck boiz.

  15. I have collected gold from 500 to 2500, now it is gone to 1500, even though I was going to use the gold for riding training. is there any solution?
    Warmane devs should give all level 80s epic flying for free. This is peoples time and effort that has been taken away for the newer players.

    I've been playing almost a year, I just bought some gold from coins I saved, wasn't aware of the halving, and now that gold was not good value.

    It sucks, but it hurts less than what the newer players suffer trying to save for fast flying, only to have half of their hours wasted.

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