1. How and where do you want us to make bug reports? i curently have found a "bug" that has booted me out of the game and cant login again, it all happend after a purple ghost in stat ud hit me

  2. Cannot login at all, keeps on loading screen

  3. How and where do you want us to make bug reports? i curently have found a "bug" that has booted me out of the game and cant login again, it all happend after a purple ghost in stat ud hit me
    The Bug Tracker as usual. You will notice the drop-down for Select Expansion has a Classic option now.

  4. This is an actual beta testing, not one of those made for publicity and to get people interested in a brand new game. We need people who will try and break stuff so it can be fixed before the final release. Those who need "to have their attention kept" are most commonly the ones who just want to play the game earlier, likely to not report anything at all, and if they find an exploit tend to try to keep it secret and hope they can abuse it in the full release.
    Do you have statistics for that? I think giving people the choice would have been the right call considering most of the game in vanilla is leveling and being out in the world doing things. What are people supposed to be testing exactly? Karazan? If it works on Icecrown why wouldnt it work here since its the same core? I'd imagine that spending a year on tweaking this realm would have given you insight as to if classes and spells work properly, at least I assume warmane has some sort of QA testing for these things before releasing a beta to the public. Although with how even AAA titles are released these days who knows.

  5. Do you have statistics for that? I think giving people the choice would have been the right call considering most of the game in vanilla is leveling and being out in the world doing things. What are people supposed to be testing exactly? Karazan? If it works on Icecrown why wouldnt it work here since its the same core? I'd imagine that spending a year on tweaking this realm would have given you insight as to if classes and spells work properly, at least I assume warmane has some sort of QA testing for these things before releasing a beta to the public. Although with how even AAA titles are released these days who knows.
    But the leveling is what in fact fits what you said next mostly - it works on Icecrown, why wouldn't it work here.

    And no, one year of testing with a QA team for an MMO isn't really enough. You can be certain a lot was fixed and tweaked over time, but the amount of different scenarios that can happen in a beta testing with hundreds or thousands of players is incredibly bigger than what any QA team would find. Players are ingenuous, will try different things, in different ways, in different combinations, against different situations and combinations of players. It also will give us data to weight against suggestions and requests players might make as a result of their experience during the testing.

  6. how can we change raid to 25 man to test onyxia?

  7. guys can you stop spamming and **** ****ing behave like normal people so server stops crashing man 10000 people like little children

  8. world server crashes every 4 minutes make a queue so not 10k people join at once or is this an ddos attack or something???

  9. But the leveling is what in fact fits what you said next mostly - it works on Icecrown, why wouldn't it work here.
    Because Icecrown is WOTLK and Onyxia is supposed to be Vanilla. For example, quests that were added in BC/Wrath, Attunement quests, even quest hubs.

  10. Can this beta be an indicator that release is going to be soon?

  11. Greetings. I logged on to try to the new realm and after 10 minutes I logged back on Icecrown to play some soloqueue. Unfortunately I've been experiencing some weird bugs. Barkskin cannot be used while stunned, I cannot use Faerie Fire while shapeshifted, I cannot even go into bear form while in another form. I hope this gets resolved as soon as possible

  12. Because Icecrown is WOTLK and Onyxia is supposed to be Vanilla. For example, quests that were added in BC/Wrath, Attunement quests, even quest hubs.
    It's still the same WotLK core, if that hasn't been said and repeated by Staff and players alike plenty.
    If you would like to check if the right quests are available and unavailable, you're free to do so, of course, being level 60 shouldn't stop you.

    Greetings. I logged on to try to the new realm and after 10 minutes I logged back on Icecrown to play some soloqueue. Unfortunately I've been experiencing some weird bugs. Barkskin cannot be used while stunned, I cannot use Faerie Fire while shapeshifted, I cannot even go into bear form while in another form. I hope this gets resolved as soon as possible
    You need to close the client and open it again after you login to Onyxia.

  13. hello here are some bugs, bonescyte can be equiped by warriors, so class items are not specific, can not use crossbows as warrior, maybe still have to learn it did not have the chance to look it up because of downtime. seems like warriors dont get attack power through strenght also?

  14. When I entered onyxia and returned to icecrown, I had the classic priest's talents inside icecrown!

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