View Poll Results: What will you roll?

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  • Alliance

    105 50.00%
  • Horde

    105 50.00%
  1. Well in ~8th years of wow, i never played a worrior, guess i`ll make other tank ^^
    i just love to play tank and after healers, unlike other ppl i realy dont know how is to stay for hours and hours in queue without lock, me, tank queue = instant lock.
    i remember back on Frostwolf when it was still a WotLK server, my pala tank had almost 3k eot :D
    Edited: July 19, 2015

  2. Faction: Horde

    Race: Troll (I mean cmon it's a race that kinda gives me a reason to troll pun intended...ok I lied I did intend it :P)

    Gender: Male

    Class: Rogue

    Spec: Combat (For PvE) Subtlety (For PvP)

  3. I was planning to roll Human or Night Elf, but since we got new models and Horde has less people, I'm totally going Horde.
    Female Troll. Warrior Fury! Just like my ex-retail character.

    @Imperiet, if you don't mind, I can add a real poll to the topic. 447 people have read but haven't posted. People seems to prefer voting than typing. Talk about lazyness! :P

  4. I was planning to roll Human or Night Elf, but since we got new models and Horde has less people, I'm totally going Horde.
    Female Troll. Warrior Fury! Just like my ex-retail character.

    @Imperiet, if you don't mind, I can add a real poll to the topic. 447 people have read but haven't posted. People seems to prefer voting than typing. Talk about lazyness! :P
    Troll female warrior is the way to go! Im making my second char a troll female warr named Olga. There is not alot of them out there thats whtat makes them special and the way the rush with Nitro boost
    Edited: July 20, 2015

  5. I was planning to roll Human or Night Elf, but since we got new models and Horde has less people, I'm totally going Horde.
    Female Troll. Warrior Fury! Just like my ex-retail character.

    @Imperiet, if you don't mind, I can add a real poll to the topic. 447 people have read but haven't posted. People seems to prefer voting than typing. Talk about lazyness! :P
    I just wish I wouldn't have to redownload the client just for the graphics update :C So old models for me D: (Though idk if my pc can handle new models)

  6. Human(male) or Blood elf(male) - paladin.
    Edited: July 20, 2015

  7. Troll female warrior is the way to go! Im making my second char a troll female warr named Olga. There is not alot of them out there thats whtat makes them special and the way the rush with Nitro boost
    Omg! Engineer too? We will be two of a kind! Hahaha.

    I just wish I wouldn't have to redownload the client just for the graphics update :C So old models for me D: (Though idk if my pc can handle new models)
    Major reason for me to play. I downloaded it already, but since we are adding new blood elves, draenei and water textures i'll re-download it yet again.

  8. God damn, so excited about Lordaeron, since i am starting college this October it will be very nice to lvl up easily and with no hurry and actualy enjoy all the content with leaving me a time to study.

    ehm...about class and stuff

    i will roll Alliance, Draenei male elemental shaman. playing it for almost 2 years now and really ejoying it.
    Edited: July 20, 2015

  9. O-o why are you reserving the name if the realm will be wiped on release? It's probably best not to say what name you want cause someone can be a dick and take it just cause they can.

  10. i guess i have too much trust in ppl. he-he well anyway name doesn't make you a player, but your actions tho i would like to have it xD

  11. I will revive my queen dk once more, even though she was long deleted, she will always be remembered as she stood alone, after the 8th wipe at sindra and brought the last 102k hp of sindra all alone....

    She will be reborn!

    But before that, since they will not be available at start, i'll just content myself with a paladin probably, they were fun to level in prot mode.

  12. I was planning to roll Human or Night Elf, but since we got new models and Horde has less people, I'm totally going Horde.
    Female Troll. Warrior Fury! Just like my ex-retail character.

    @Imperiet, if you don't mind, I can add a real poll to the topic. 447 people have read but haven't posted. People seems to prefer voting than typing. Talk about lazyness! :P
    By all means do, it would make my job easier... Its hard to make an accurate poll when people dont give away clear answers. Then again I did not really expect this thread to gain such popularity or become very serious either :)

    When I have time, I will try and go through this thread one more time and polish the Poll by splitting the Class poll into Horde and Alliance respectively.

    Poll has been updated. See page 1
    Edited: July 20, 2015

  13. From now i see this will be very nice realm to play on...when you meet 20+ even way more, ppl in same area lvling area (talking about outland areas and higher lvl EK's and Kalimdor's areas) it's just way to tempting not to play + vanilla and outland dungeons and raids will come to life once again! Ave Lordaeron!

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