1. If it's not x1 then it's not Vanilla.

  2. If it's not x1 then it's not Vanilla.
    If it's on 3.3.5a client it's vanilla?

  3. If it's not x1 then it's not Vanilla.
    And elephant in the room (dungeon finder) is Vanilla?

  4. No word about Honor System during Classic period ?

  5. The actual leveling speed is going to be even faster than x5.

    In original Vanilla, you needed to complete most of the quests, as there simply weren't enough of them. With x5, You can pick and choose the fastest and most rewarding quests, and quickly move on to the next zone.

    You can avoid a lot of the annoying breadcrumb quests that make you take long journeys across continents. You can avoid elite quests that require forming groups. You can avoid quests with low drop rates (Tough Condor Meat or Goretusk Liver anyone?). And if the drop rates are like Icecrown instead of original Vanilla then it will be even faster.

    1-30 will take 10 hours at worst.
    30-40 is gonna take like 3 hours through farming SM. Those zones would be completely empty unless you really like STV for some reason.
    Then Tanaris- > Ungoro -> Western Plaguelands for 43-60 , no reason to go to any other zone.

  6. The actual leveling speed is going to be even faster than x5.

    In original Vanilla, you needed to complete most of the quests, as there simply weren't enough of them. With x5, You can pick and choose the fastest and most rewarding quests, and quickly move on to the next zone.

    You can avoid a lot of the annoying breadcrumb quests that make you take long journeys across continents. You can avoid elite quests that require forming groups. You can avoid quests with low drop rates (Tough Condor Meat or Goretusk Liver anyone?). And if the drop rates are like Icecrown instead of original Vanilla then it will be even faster.

    1-30 will take 10 hours at worst.
    30-40 is gonna take like 3 hours through farming SM. Those zones would be completely empty unless you really like STV for some reason.
    Then Tanaris- > Ungoro -> Western Plaguelands for 43-60 , no reason to go to any other zone.
    completely right and it's what we going to have. many of us think 1x is the best solution. when we have RDF so we don't need to have 5x rate. this RDF will go a lot faster than true vanilla so make xp rate to 1x in the other hand we have RDF for some players who don't want to spend a lot of tie lvling. but most of the vanilla experience is the lvling i think

  7. My comment was just a description of what x5 leveling will be like, not really a criticism of it.

    If its x1 I wont be playing and I think the majority of players (who are currently silent) will also not be playing. 1x will kill alt leveling and massively reduce the potential playerbase.

    I think if Warmane announces 1x for this server, the backlash will be way bigger than what is currently going on with people demanding 1x. Its just that this silent majority is silent because they already got what they wanted.

  8. I dont want to tell the dev team how to do its job, but I do have one suggestion. I think that many of the most controversial issues (leveling rate, rdf, etc.) ought to be put to community vote, and only accounts with, say, a 3 month or greater lifespan should be allowed to vote (to prevent abuse). This will prove to everyone which side is in the majority, show the dev team what the majority wants, and at least stop some of this bickering. And to the Warmane team, thanks again for all the hard work!

  9. I dont want to tell the dev team how to do its job, but I do have one suggestion. I think that many of the most controversial issues (leveling rate, rdf, etc.) ought to be put to community vote, and only accounts with, say, a 3 month or greater lifespan should be allowed to vote (to prevent abuse). This will prove to everyone which side is in the majority, show the dev team what the majority wants, and at least stop some of this bickering. And to the Warmane team, thanks again for all the hard work!
    Cringe, they should never let anyone here to vote for anything lol (scroll up for confirmation xd). Voting never does anything but makes one side happy for the cost of other side being unhappy. Be smart! If something bad will happen staff are the one to blame! Look beyond the borders! hahaha :D

  10. And btw what kind of voting it will be if it probably will has the most predictable outcome ever.
    Let's speedrun the voting right here, it will be:

    x1 (troo vaneela u know!)
    no RDF (cuz it wasnt in vaneela)
    change the class balance (even tho it's not vaneela but i wan't to be ret pal)
    PvP type realm (muh troo vanela spirit)

    There you go. Please also consider that lots of people completely missed the point of the entire Onyxia thing as well and expecting it to be 1.12

  11. Hello, i would like to ask a few things rearding this new realm.

    1- will it have a working transmog system, similar to Lordareon?

    2- will it have the "increased dificulty" raid system, also similar to Lordareon?

    3- will it have Cross faction?

    4- I saw that Onyxia will be x5, but will we be able to change it? Like, putting x1?

    5- Should i download the add-ons for each expansion or the WotLK will be working througt the experience?

    Thank you for any replies on the matter. I believe these would be important to ask.

  12. I dont want to tell the dev team how to do its job, but I do have one suggestion. I think that many of the most controversial issues (leveling rate, rdf, etc.) ought to be put to community vote, and only accounts with, say, a 3 month or greater lifespan should be allowed to vote (to prevent abuse). This will prove to everyone which side is in the majority, show the dev team what the majority wants, and at least stop some of this bickering. And to the Warmane team, thanks again for all the hard work!
    People who want lower rates can choose to adjust their rates to lower.
    People who don't want to RDF, don't have to RDF.
    People who want higher rates can do with the x5.
    People who want to do RDF can do so.


    I mean, if so many don't want high rates or RDF, can easily form a guild and level x1 with no RDF without a complaint. Should be easy time with so many people wanting exactly that.

  13. Regarding to the xp rates what we really need to know is: what's the xp standarts, classic or 3.3.5?, cause if the total xp to reach 60 is woltk based we really should talk about x3 rates, but never under any circumstance the xp should be x1, even with woltk xp and rdf x1 rate would kill the server even before launch, if you wanna join the x1 cult just move somewhere else.

  14. Good question.
    People have very narrow view. I don't agree with x1, I would just go for servers with more qol or official. But x 3 or x5. On higher levels in vanilla it's very slow. On the other hand if it's 3.3.5 xp leveling it might be faster, BUT... But also depends how fast we will have updates. Cause some people simply have no much time to play to get one character bis and in raids, when other would grind x1 all their alts as they have no life.
    Lets be kind to one another and not just think of ourselves I guess.

  15. The actual leveling speed is going to be even faster than x5.

    In original Vanilla, you needed to complete most of the quests, as there simply weren't enough of them. With x5, You can pick and choose the fastest and most rewarding quests, and quickly move on to the next zone.

    You can avoid a lot of the annoying breadcrumb quests that make you take long journeys across continents. You can avoid elite quests that require forming groups. You can avoid quests with low drop rates (Tough Condor Meat or Goretusk Liver anyone?). And if the drop rates are like Icecrown instead of original Vanilla then it will be even faster.

    1-30 will take 10 hours at worst.
    30-40 is gonna take like 3 hours through farming SM. Those zones would be completely empty unless you really like STV for some reason.
    Then Tanaris- > Ungoro -> Western Plaguelands for 43-60 , no reason to go to any other zone.
    on 2018 blizzard release wow vanilla classic experience x1, did you know how much it takes to be lvl 60? yes with elites quest, no rdf, low drop rates? a week, just a week. now you tell me that no blizz 3.3.5 x1 weirdos that the only think they want is to create an undead rogue called Lolikillyou or a gnome mage Mrjinx to ****ing be anoying to a ****ing hunter or warlock ganking all day for weeks just to be obliterated by some random dude, is going to take months and months of eternal joy?

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