1. How will this be done on Lordaeron?

    I guess Ulduar wont come within 2 weeks nor after next season so suddenly the gear will switch from s5 to s6 next season? ?
    We still dont know if areapoints will be wiped this season or not like one week before season end. Nothing unusual, but it is still frustrating. It seems plans are always made last second because otherwhise there would be no need to not inform the players about these plans. I was inactive for like 2 weeks already because Im not sure what currencies will be wiped and when. Its just sad.

  2. can we have infos about lordaeron please if we get s6 next season or not ?

  3. and how about removing 3v3 titles on lordaeron? nobody plays 3v3 there beside 2-3teams against their own guild mates.

    dont think its the right kind of reward for the people who farmed their guild mates the most ?

  4. Yeah please give us a little information if we better spend our arena points now or can save them for the next season...

    Would be really ****ty to lose them without buying stuff.

  5. and how about removing 3v3 titles on lordaeron? nobody plays 3v3 there beside 2-3teams against their own guild mates.

    dont think its the right kind of reward for the people who farmed their guild mates the most ?
    stop talking what you dont know, there is queues everynight, there is probably about 15 to 20 active 3s teams

  6. ^

    hmmm thought they are r1 4Head

  7. stop talking what you dont know, there is queues everynight, there is probably about 15 to 20 active 3s teams

    super active when after 4months not even 2 teams passed 2k

    stop dreaming please

  8. ^

    Yep, rewarding teams in 3v3 on lordaeron would be pretty stupid, you can be top 10 with something like 1k6 rating, wow such activity in this bracket.

    PS : I know teams under 2k are not rewarded in 3v3, that's not my point here.

  9. ^

    Yep, rewarding teams in 3v3 on lordaeron would be pretty stupid, you can be top 10 with something like 1k6 rating, wow such activity in this bracket.

    PS : I know teams under 2k are not rewarded in 3v3, that's not my point here.
    super active when after 4months not even 2 teams passed 2k

    stop dreaming please
    both talk about 3s being dead »» didnt even queued 1 game 3s this season.
    I been queueing 3s since arenas have started, all february/march nights me and teammates spamming A/H to advertise 3s on global, me and my teammates done our job and keep the ladder alive, what have u both been doing except complaning on forums?

  10. both talk about 3s being dead »» didnt even queued 1 game 3s this season.
    I been queueing 3s since arenas have started, all february/march nights me and teammates spamming A/H to advertise 3s on global, me and my teammates done our job and keep the ladder alive, what have u both been doing except complaning on forums?
    Unless I see a ladder I will call it lies. Im very sure there are like max 20 teams above 1,5k rating (starting mmr/rating). This is laughable.

  11. both talk about 3s being dead »» didnt even queued 1 game 3s this season.
    I been queueing 3s since arenas have started, all february/march nights me and teammates spamming A/H to advertise 3s on global, me and my teammates done our job and keep the ladder alive, what have u both been doing except complaning on forums?

    And obviously when 1 team above 2k and r5 already at 1,6k this bracket is beyond inactive.

    Titles should be rewarded for the "best" teams this season not some nolifer who spamqued into their guildmates and friendlist for months. Because there was definitely not 3v3 ques very night otherwise.

    and 0-10 teams for points dont count to an active bracket but thats maybe your kind of competition?

  12. the best thing you could do is a 3v3 tournament of the top8 or 16 or whatever. since atm its just who grinds the most and has 0 to do with competition :P

  13. And obviously when 1 team above 2k and r5 already at 1,6k this bracket is beyond inactive.

    Titles should be rewarded for the "best" teams this season not some nolifer who spamqued into their guildmates and friendlist for months. Because there was definitely not 3v3 ques very night otherwise.

    and 0-10 teams for points dont count to an active bracket but thats maybe your kind of competition?
    and since when my team only farms bads? this is why having armory down is so pathetic and idk why its taking so long to be added, my team farmed every top team you can name, once the armory is up you can check it by urself.

  14. Titles should be rewarded for the "best" teams this season not some nolifer who spamqued into their guildmates and friendlist for months. Because there was definitely not 3v3 ques very night otherwise.
    We queued like 50 games against Hulkpas' php and Shekel's tsg and won the series by far. And they queued into each other as well. Top teams definitely did queue against top teams and not against "friends and guildmates" as you say.

  15. hey guys, noob here. which expansion is the lost popular? i want to play normal 3x or 5x game

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