1. I looked into bug tracker and I think it's time to the next step (1-59 leveling test or release finally).
    You don't think like that?
    18 reports within the last 24 hours. I get the feeling more time is needed before second phase.

  2. gouge DOES share DR with sap in vanilla, you clearly dont know what you are talking about. After 10 secs its a pretty decent chance to heartbeat out of freezing trap, poly etc. Engineering items not working is quite normal especially backporting from 3.3.5a client so they gotta fix that, but you really should check twice before commenting about stuff being broken

  3. My Thoughts:
    - x5 it's a good choice. Alterfriendly and "classic experience" is something that is nice for the first few days, maybe weeks.
    - 25 raid ppl instead of 40 it's good too. Would like to see new raid dificulties on Classic (HC, Mythic?).
    - Belfs and Draeneis should be on Classic (who cares where they start).
    - x2/x3 profession rates.
    - Only RDF for alters, not first chars (firstly you must have lv60 to unlock it).
    tottalu agree with all specially with rdf on alts. but xp rate should be lower, like x2-x3

  4. Here is some food for thought for all the developers that read this msg. How about making a server with a lowered gcd to half a second ?

  5. Here is some food for thought for all the developers that read this msg. How about making a server with a lowered gcd to half a second ?
    Why? Do you think this will promote "faster paced" gameplay? Please explain why such a drastic change, and the differences between "normal" class GCD and the normally faster GCD of Rogues, Cats, and such...as well as how haste effects will impact the GCD in your vision.

    I honestly don't see the benefit...and it'd be A LOT of dev work to make work well.

  6. Is it a pve or pvp realm? Cause if it is pve, no thanks.

  7. are y tripping ? it's the beta.. there will be no alpha testing

  8. Marking bought items

    We have deliberately left some things vague for now, because we want to be flexible and responsive to your feedback during the beta process.

    We do not want the community to think that we have set all things in stone as this is a new and unique experience on Warmane, and it is precisely why the name does not match our regular naming scheme we've used for years but instead it matches the naming scheme of the realm that made this private server what it is today, a name of significant boss character that appeared in Warcraft several times, Neltharion. And even the name itself is not set in stone.

    This is the most interactive development experience we have ever given you, and we will pay attention to your suggestions. But we will also weigh them with our own experience of hosting realms for more than a decade. Sometimes, things and features that are not favored by the community are crucial for providing a long-term satisfying experience for everyone.

    Here is an example of that difference in perspective.

    We know many here will ask about the marketplace design and we can state with certainty that its presence is important for the well being of the realm. Allowing players, that do not necessarily have the time to commit, to be able to access end game content easily is one pillar of why our realms are still populated and on all our realms this is possible in different degrees and varieties.

    For Onyxia, it will be a mix of Frostmourne marketplace and Icecrown marketplace. On Frostmourne, we've only ever released end game items after the respective encounters have been finished and only after a large amount of players have obtained the items considered for addition in the marketplace.

    Countless threads filled with requests and tickets were ever present in our three seasons of Frostmourne asking us to add items on the marketplace but we've honored the realm design each time.

    This time, we will be more lenient and put items on the marketplace sooner than on Frostmourne, but still allowing for end game guilds to shine from the rest and make a name for themselves.

    We look forward to seeing you try out our beta, our development team and staff will be analyzing each moment spent on that temporary realm.
    Tbh i think there should be a mark on an item which was bought in the marketplace honestly i dont want to be in guild with players who are to weak to raid with us so they think they can drop their wallet on the table and get better gear then us LoL

  9. Tbh i think there should be a mark on an item which was bought in the marketplace honestly i dont want to be in guild with players who are to weak to raid with us so they think they can drop their wallet on the table and get better gear then us LoL
    Quite a few of those players are perfectly "strong to raid with" - perhaps even "stronger" than you, who knows - but have geared multiple characters in the past, here or in retail, and sometimes just don't want to go through it yet again. Either way, donor bashing is actually against our rules and punishable, so the chance of us creating a system that allows you to do it easier are nil.

  10. what pvp system we get? the classic rank 14 grind or something else?

  11. What Content progression is now? Vanilla => Phase 1: Molten Core, Onyxia's Lair, Maraudon??

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