1. Unable to log in game using Wi-Fi

    I used to be able to play with either Wi-Fi or connected to mobile data (when my Wi-Fi sucks). Now, every time I'm connected to my Wi-Fi I get stuck in "Connecting" and then "Unable to connect. Please try again later..." but can still log in with mobile data. Did something happen during the times I've switched from Wi-Fi to mobile data and back?


  2. I aslo have this problem. Its getting pretty annoying

  3. 4 Weeks Ago  
    I have the same problem. I can play using mobile data. On WiFi, I m sent to realm selection but can't enter any of them.

  4. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Your ISP blocked Warmane.
    I had the same issue in college.
    Either use Mobile Data or VPN to bypass it.

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