1. How active is Lordaeron?

    Hi all,

    As the title suggests, is lordaeron still active?

    I played this server for many years ever since it was molten-wow. I took some time out and after 2 years I am back.
    My previous account has been cleared up so starting fresh.

    Are the popular cities still packed?
    Is dalaran packed?
    Is raiding still very active and is it easy to form a group in rdf/hc?
    What about pvp?

    I’ve started a new character in silver moon and the area seems completely dead but I’m aware that silver moon has never been packed.

    All the best, thank you :)

  2. it is still basically as populated as it was when I started playing in 2018, so it's not icecrown, but dalaran is pretty well filled and there are a good dozen guilds farming lod and rdf and rhc pops well. pvp is crossfaction and fairly active. 3v3 ques depend on the day and time, but definitely playable

  3. I'm a new player in Lordaeron, but I've previously visited the Warmane website several times to check the population of active players. I remember seeing figures of 8000 players online, and now it doesn't go beyond 7500 on weekends. I'm not sure if the number of players is real or if there are many bots either.

  4. I'm a new player in Lordaeron, but I've previously visited the Warmane website several times to check the population of active players. I remember seeing figures of 8000 players online, and now it doesn't go beyond 7500 on weekends. I'm not sure if the number of players is real or if there are many bots either.

    one of the reasons is the new onyxia server

  5. 1 Week Ago  
    most populated is icecrown. 12k peak
    next is lorderon - 4k peak
    onyxia is 3.5k peak

    based on the website numbers for the last week.
    i recently started in lorderon after have 5x 80 toon in icecrown.

    mainly hoping for less gank / griefing / toxicicty of icecrown.
    but horde still kill bankers in SW sadly.

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