1. Problem with 1st person as Tauren

    Hi folks

    I have a little problem with the 1st person perspective when I play as Tauren.

    The perspective is somehow in my stomach and I had this problem on other servers before. I think that's a sad thing, because sometimes I like to be in 1st person perspective.

    Here are a screenshot so you can see what I mean.


    Do you have the same problem or does anyone know how to fix it? I have already tried many things. I tried to remove "Pach Mpqs" and change the language to english.

    What I haven't done yet is to download the complete client again. I'm scared of that because it takes me 20 hours and the last time was a real drama.

    But I would take that on myself if someone would say he doesn't have the problem with his client.

  2. That's normal because taurens have very large models but their PoV is same as everyone elses. I don't think you can change it. They also have issues mounting through certain doorways due to their size. It's all normal.

    Mine's the same:

  3. This is bad. This would dash any hope that this is due to a faulty client.

    Which makes me wonder why every other creature has it. As Tauren the owl is right, draenei, who are actually almost the same size as the Tauren, it fits.

    Unfortunately I never played WOTLK on the Blizz servers. But I can't imagine that it was the same there. So something must have changed.

    But thanks for checking. @Thorbjorn

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