1. Hello!

    I used to play back when it was molten... I had donated once but i guess that's long gone. meh. I'm known as SoulChaosX, love to play tanks but would like to know what are conditions for classes? what are a couple classes you know of that are short or tanks or healers or if any class has some breaking ability not available?

    Also... for the life of me I can't find the rates for the servers... any help?

  2. Welcome to Warmane, SoulChaosX. I'd answer your question about tanks, but I don't know which expansion you wish to play on. All realms excluding pvp only (Warsong and Blackrock) are x7 experience rates, and x5 rates for reputation, gold and professions. Lordaeron is the new exception, and is x1.

  3. Thank you for the answer. I made a mage on Lordaeron thinking i would be okay with the questing at regular rates... we'll have to see >.< if not i'll probably make something on the Deathwing server.

  4. Alright then. Since I know which expansion you're wanting to play on now, I can tell you that all tanks are working pretty well. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses. I highly recommend choosing whichever you prefer and would enjoy the most.

  5. Sadly the best tank I can be is a Death Knight >.< gonna have to wait a little bit.

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