Dear Warmane,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring an issue to your attention regarding the high latency experienced by Middle Eastern players when connecting to the Warmane servers. Currently, we are facing significant delays in our gameplay due to this latency issue.

I recently came across a solution called exit lag, which has proven to be effective in reducing latency for various online gaming services. I attempted to use exit lag to improve my connection to the Warmane servers, but it seems that Warmane has blocked its usage. Consequently, I find myself encountering an unplayable latency of around 300 ms without exit lag.

As a longstanding player and donor to Warmane, I have greatly enjoyed my time on your servers. However, with such high latency, it has become increasingly challenging to continue playing and contributing to the community. I am confident that by allowing the use of exit lag, I would be able to achieve a latency of around 90-100 ms, which is the optimal range for me to enjoy a smooth and immersive gaming experience.

I kindly request that you reconsider the restriction on using exit lag and allow its usage for the benefit of Middle Eastern players. By doing so, you would significantly enhance the quality of gameplay for many dedicated players like myself.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your positive response.