1. New stream old playa

    Hi most of u know me as Testprist im multiglad priest acvhieved over 3k rate in 2s 2450 in 3s i have just started streaming 2 days ago at http://www.twitch.tv/testprist
    k so Il be streaming mostly priest gameplay sometimes rsham or ret but mostly priest i gues since i began streaming i streamed 3-4 times and i had over 40 viewers in peaks more than i expected tbh so tune in and folow if u like the stream i play all 3 realms usualy in top ranks so i presume u will see best of what molten has to offer tnx for ur time and i hope u will enjoy my streams

  2. Funny skype conversations with great motivational musica, gameplay is one of the best molten has to offer on priest!

    Maybe now when u stream every game they will see u dont wintrade and dont get banned ))
    jk molten cursed ((
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ocm8QdNR_d8 (WHEN THE CURSE IS COMPLETE YOU'LL BE GONE)

  3. Best stream with best music. +1 #modme2014

  4. testprist best priest...end of story

  5. I cant forgive u whan u stoped playing Inflames yesterday coz "omg its so loudy" XD

  6. Still he has more hatters than fans :( sad!!!!

  7. If i am 2,5k rated on molten,would i stream? Jk cuz no one loves me hahahahaha

  8. Actualy more ppl hate me than love me :D

  9. sick gameplay dont like the xperl cast bars though!!

  10. Crazy skills and great music, really good stream, BESTPRIST!

  11. il be streaming some Dota 2 these days tune in and enjoy on http://www.twitch.tv/testprist

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