1. The Sons of Hodir-QuestChain


    3 Days ago i did the Quest Chain to get neutral with the Sons of Hodir. As i finished the Quest "Mending Fences" ( http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12915/mending-fences ) i was Hated 22000/36000 and was wondering why i couldn't accept a new Quest at Thorim.
    I was looking up the Internet to find the place where i could accept the new Quest and saw, that i did the Mending Fences Quest "wrong". i where supposted to use an Quest-Item on the mobs and then kill them with some dwarfs that would spawn or something.
    I did this Quest with 3 other People by just killing the Giants. This was probably the reason that i didn't got the Item that starts the next Quest for the Chain to get neutral.
    The item is called "Slag Covered Metal" ( http://www.wowhead.com/item=41556/slag-covered-metal ) and now, since i already turned in the Quest, i am not able to get it. I killed many of the Giants and it seems the item is linked to the Quest.

    Is there a way someone could help me out to get this item, delete the last Quest from my Character so i could do it again or in any other way so i can go on with the Quest Chain ?



  2. So you accepted the quest from quest item? If so, you need to kill fire mobs in order to finish quest. Or Giants arent dropping quest item? Since Lordaeron is x1 drop should be low rate, since on wowhead it says its 28% chance for drop

  3. I Didn't accepted the Quest from the Item.
    I don't have the Quest Item because its just supposed to drop from Giants, which where killed with the Stone you collect around there. Problem is now, i killed the Giants with a Group. No Stones. So no drop of the Quest item.
    I tried to kill the Giants now, without the Quest, but they do not drop the Quest item anymore, since im not on the Quest and so i can't loot the Stones to throw it on the Giatns.
    And this is no Bug, as i read you were also on retail only able to get the Quest item when you where on the Quest AND killed them with the rocks.
    So no way for me to get to neutral. Seemed also a Problem on retail and got "fixed" bcasue many had the same problem if the comments where correct on wowhead.
    Edited: December 22, 2015

  4. https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/14111
    so it should drop as it seems, even though i killed like 30 of them. what ever

    if anybody has the same problem i just found out how it worked for me.

    Just search for someone who is on the Quest "Mending Fences" and go in his Group. Kill the Giants as they are supposed to be killed ( loot the rock ->throw it on the giant -> kill him) and you will find the Quest starting item called "Slag Covered Metal". So you personal don't need to be on the Quest, just have someone on that Quest and throwing the rocks. It dropped for me this way at the first Giant

    Have fun.
    Edited: December 26, 2015

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