1. TBC waiting room

    hi, are you burning out on vanilla? did you have plans to give up warrior sweat meta for a ranged class for tbc? do you want help? do you do dungeons and are you in the NA typical play hours of the day? (also, feel like raiding 8PM - 11 PM EST on sundays for our prog team? )

    if you're casual now, looking to farm money and grind profs until tbc, go fishing, do fun stuff, stream movies like Ghostbusters or Terminator 2 in discord, host stoned birthday parties, try to meet actual people you might like in your time zone and build an efficient 10 man squad for upcoming kara in a few months... this is where you want to take a gander. i'll send you a discord link. we have a dad joke channel. we have never been giga sweaters, and our ultimate goal is to make it to wrath with a fun crew ready to take on 10s and 25s with solid comps and be able to have a lot of fun with a lot of active alts.

    does this sound better than burning out on a "bugged" new raid for a few weeks before they call the orkin man? i thought so. hope to hear from you. Oh, who are we? ONYFANS horde. Need folks looking to play casters and healers for TBC, primarily making groups around spreading buffs. much love, stay hydrated.

    primary TBC recruits should do 2 things:
    tell me if they're looking to raid casually or on a progressive team
    indicate up front which type of paladin or paladin alt i know you're going to ask me to either be or bring with you.

    ***i honestly hope to find a few casual ranged dps that like warlocks for tbc and want to be cornerstones of kara and heroic groups for our current infratstructure.

    thank you for your time.
    Edited: April 14, 2024

  2. May 3, 2024  
    since we're STILL in wait for this AQ thing to launch, if you're working horde alts and are thinking of TBC... we might be the place for you in NA times. *rebump

  3. 2 Weeks Ago  
    looking at our interest/needs in planning forward to TBC, we'd love to here from paladin enthusiasts, still. I have room for probably 1-2 prot pallies, 1 holy pally, and 1-2 ret pallies between different 10 mans that are sprouting up for kara planning ahead that need buffs, still. We have always carried a large amount of more casual players and 10 mans being very easy to fill, our guild will be filled with people grinding dungeon rep with you. come say hello. can't wait to meet you. welcome to onyxia. our guild will be here a while. :D

  4. 1 Day Ago  
    active recruitment and guild activities are going offline until this server proceeds into TBC. no one will be active in the admin and raid leading until TBC is announced or prepatch drops. i will no longer be answering messages during this time. feel free to look for us when the rest of the guilds come back to this server as well. if they come back...

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