1. Need some help

    Hey guys, my first time playing WOW and I'm really enjoying it!

    Im playing warrior

    I am currently level 17 and finding it really hard to stay alive while completing quests where I have to take on multiple targets at once

    The only thing I find confusing is how a lot of the online guides are outdated, I followed a guide for revenge as It supposedly does 120+ damage but when I double checked it was only 12-14 damage, I'm guessing cause warmane is a outdated version, nothing else is really helping me, If anyone has a guide I could follow or just some beginner tips on what I should focus on and which skills would be best in my case. My damage also isn't that great cause Ill I'm doing is spamming Rend and Heroic strike, but even that does not enough damage to efficiently kill a lvl 11 at lvl 1

  2. You don't need a guide to play wow, just take things easy. if you're lvl 17 go kills mobs lvl 13-14 (green mobs). do green quests as well not yellow ones, and
    definitely not orange/red quests. this way you should lvl easy and fast. as a warrior, you need good gear to be efficient, also make sure that you visit your trainer
    often so that your abilities are always the strongest. i'd recommend you to switch to protection for lvling, as soon as you have a shield. Arms is good once you are lvl 60+.

  3. Warriors do not spam rend and heroic strike. You use rend and let it tick on the target and only reapply once it wears off. Heroic strike is mostly a rage dump (at higher levels at least with its added benefits - easier to hit stuff than a normal auto ). Prioritize using your other skills before heroic strike as long as you are not going to get full rage. Don't use rend on targets that would be dying soon. Avoid taking on multiple targets, try picking them off one by one and going to the next one with Victory Rush. Make sure your gear (weapons, especially, are appropriate for your level. And most importantly - try leveling as a prot warrior - I remember doing that back in the day and it was a breeze. Not sure if it was the most optimal way, I just remember it sped up quite a lot once you get Sword and Board/Devastate (quite a bit higher level than what you're currently at).

  4. Lvl up as protection warrior or prot pala or blood DK.

    WHY? because it at lower lvls all specs does almost same dmg but the survability makes a gigantic diference.

    The dmg diference in betwen specs only comes ovbious once you are already lvl 80 with a decent amoun of gear because dps spec can escalate more the more gear you get, at low lvls every playes has no gear at all so the dmg is the same but the survival power is not the same at all.

  5. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Thanks alot for the responses guys i switched to prot warrior and its a breeze farming now
    I still have a question, Im tryna get stances and stuff and im a human, my warrior trainer at elwynn forest (alliance) doesn't have the level 10 quest to get the stance? Did they change it or something? I'm a bit confused

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