1. Ninja looting is worth it

    It must be, otherwise why would it happen so fkn often?

    Back when I was playing on Lordaeron, I remember only one time where someone ninja looted. Here, I can't go a week without it. I report it, but I feel like it changes nothing. I can still see one of the ninjas pugging in raids, so he clearly wasn't banned. My motivation to play is so low right now...

    Sorry for the rant, but I needed to get it out.

  2. Making proper report takes time, effort, and evidence to back it all up. Something that 80% of the players aren't capable of.

    If they make similar reports on in-game tickets as some erroneously report here on forums, it's no wonder reports don't lead to actions. I don't think I've seen even 1 report that was falsely made on forum that I'd consider to warrant a ban. Mods naturally are keeping the place clean, but I've seen few ninja reports here before they were deleted.

    I recommend reading what's required to be in ninja reports for the staff to take action.

    Reporting Players [Updated: May 22, 2020]

  3. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Before 2 years i did a proper report with video (the videos are even today on my youtube channel).
    Message i get from some GM was we gonna investigate.
    The Shaman Ninjaed 2 hc marks and few other hc items..in next 2 week the dude get like full BIs believe with ninja.. .than sold the character..
    The new guy change the name and that was alll..

    Yea people get banned...but im not sure did items they ninja are removed or not..
    Because...1 time bann 2 months for half bis gear is totaly worth it in my opinion lol..

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