1. I just want to know when shadowmourne will be available and what it's cost will be for players that didn't have it before the wipe so I can use the refund coins to work on a different character if I can't obtain it....All this filibustering over a virtual item is somewhat irritating. I don't understand why providing this simple information is such a challenge, people are going to be upset no matter what the decision is on eligibility so we might as well just find out sooner than later. Shadowmourne plagues my dreams, I can't sleep at night thinking about how I could be cuddling it's glowing orange majesty. It haunts me with it's three sockets and dps and stats that are equivalent to every other heroic LK weapon. Please, free me from this torment lest I become an orange wraith. FREE MEEEEE

  2. According to the molten Q/A stream Kaer just answered the shadowmourne question. Shadowmorune will be released today if it hasn't been already for those who had it before, or within the next few hours.

  3. According to the molten Q/A stream Kaer just answered the shadowmourne question. Shadowmorune will be released today if it hasn't been already for those who had it before, or within the next few hours.
    Thank you for letting us know, appreciating it!

  4. According to the molten Q/A stream Kaer just answered the shadowmourne question. Shadowmorune will be released today if it hasn't been already for those who had it before, or within the next few hours.

    Yep im following twitch , hopefully if they dont lie :S

  5. Yep im following twitch , hopefully if they dont lie :S
    anything about mop marketplace ?

  6. anything about mop marketplace ?

    Nope. maybe by end of march.

  7. facepalm what? they said so. marketplace wont be updated yet. maybe by the end of the month. they have other concerns to think of atm.

  8. facepalm what? they said so. marketplace wont be updated yet. maybe by the end of the month. they have other concerns to think of atm.
    regarding to all mop players.. anything can be crucial rather than this ??

    Sorry i forgot u following this topic for lolmourne...

  9. regarding to all mop players.. anything can be crucial rather than this ??

    Sorry i forgot u following this topic for lolmourne...
    You are right. The mop market place basically has nothing in it, some crappy armor is all. Coins and points that someday expire, and no marketplace. The non-mop marketplaces have items in it.

  10. thanks :3 lovin playing a decked out ret

  11. What about players who earned legendary items without donating? We get nothing?

  12. What about players who earned legendary items without donating? We get nothing?
    They prove this through logs of purchases in the account and not in-game item logs, which they do not keep in the first place. Unfortunately, nothing will be done in the matter, since this is also a matter of being in line with the goal of returning purchases made.

  13. Thank you for letting us know, appreciating it!
    What about Val'anyr? sorry if they have responded few posts ago and i don't read !

  14. and i had 9 BiS toons pre wipe, I WANT THEM BACK...

    why would u have rights to get the smourne back and im not allowed to get mine?

    before u say "I DONATED FOR IT" - you donated to help the server, not to buy ultimate legendary weapon
    Lol - if Molten did not treat donors more favorably than non-donors, there would never be donors. I am sorry you lost your play time. But asking someone to pay money for the same thing they already paid for is very different. You can always play again and earn your BiS back. But if they forced donors to spend more money on something they already spent money on, those donors would never donate again.

    Retail does not allow you to pay your way to better gear for this reason.

    You are kidding yourself if you think donors are paying money to support the server, because they could easily support the retail servers by spending their money there instead. They are "donating" -- but they are really "buying" advantages over you. They are paying to save themselves the time to earn gear.

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