1. No it was a main run, we swapped sundays and saturdays regarding raids due to the recent change in raid resets, saturday's is now main and sunday's is alt.

  2. No it was a main run, we swapped sundays and saturdays regarding raids due to the recent change in raid resets, saturday's is now main and sunday's is alt.
    awesome, didnt knew

  3. we best

    The message you have entered is too short.

  4. Very happy with 2 shotting LK this morning

    Raid Composition was as follows:











    Royal Scepter of Terenas II- Kaier
    Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas- Ardenbg
    Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification - Lorraine
    Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification - Indoxrulez
    Invincible's Reins - Murdockq

    Gratz to everyone who got titles/loot today!
    chao are u like color blind? wurst colors EVAR!

  5. We did 2x RS25N today, 2nd run had less dead than the 1st one. RS25HC inc. soonÔäó

  6. We did 2x RS25N today, 2nd run had less dead than the 1st one. RS25HC inc. soonÔäó
    my mage and pala both got rs25n achievs today in these runs :)

  7. Wezzley's Avatar
    Props to Funky for the LK tips. :)

  8. Phreak worst warrior lowest dps all time and always dead ~8k dps wtf

  9. To be clear about this, it isn't Xenophobia. We're just being practical. If you can't communicate effectively due to a language barrier with all the time in the world to look up words you don't know or whatever you have to do, how in the world can you expect to communicate in a raid setting, on the fly, when it's really important? You can't. You don't need to be Shakespeare, but you better be intelligible.

    I've said this before, but I will say it again to all new applicants. Please, please take the time to fill the application out carefully. A thoughtful and detailed application is MUCH more likely to be taken seriously than one that isn't.

    I've also said before that "I don't know" is a terrible answer to any question we ask you. Let me expound on why that is. This is not a guild for alts, this is not a guild that carries people. We want the best and only the best. People who don't know what they are doing and who consistently preform poorly demotivate other raiders and it has a very negative effect on the raid. We aren't here to teach you how to play your class or how to do boss fights.

    I personally spend my own time doing this in my streaming and in my other tutorials, but you shouldn't get the wrong idea. Our raids are meant to be examples to others on how to play at a high level. If you want to raid with us, you should be the kind of player that can share their knowledge with the new players to the server.

    We want people who want to compete with each other for the top spot, the best defile drops, the most enrage dispells, the most healing done, whatever. This is the type of guild that should be the ultimate goal of a player looking to do the hardest content in the game, this is not a guild for a player who just started playing and doesn't yet know the mechanics of the fights or their own class's mechanics.

    We aren't being elitist here, it's just being realistic. The overall dps and hps required to kill the Lich King on heroic difficulty without using any cheats is very, very high. If you don't have a very firm knowledge of the class you are playing you probably won't be able to pull the kind of numbers we need.

    Also, we generally don't use voice communication except sometimes for LK or if we do RS 25H. If accepted you will be expected to go through all of these fights without anyone telling you anything about the fights. We will test you to see how well you really know them. If you don't, that's pretty much the end of your trial with us.

    Put some thought into your application when you fill it out or don't waste your time (and ours).
    I would just like to add a few things to Chao's guidelines.


    Future applicants should know that having a LoD achievment alone will NOT get them autoinvited in the guild. I do not care how many times you killed Lk hc, or how high your gearscore numbers are. So please save ours and your time and stop leaving your applications half empty relying on your achievments/gear, if anything it makes you look arrogant, and will most likely result in all my app mods voting you down.

    The application is there for a reason, as much as the questions look wierd to you, if you do not know a specific answer, think before you say something stupid.

    People who will make sense out of a question in their answer, even if its not what we were looking for, are more likely to get accepted, over people who will act smart with answers such as "lack of brain"., or any other "witty" remarks.
    Note that having a sense of humor while still showing your skills is always welcome though.

    Most of the questions do not have solely ONE answer, they could work with multiple answers, however the one answer we were looking for with that question requires much higher raiding experience/knowledge of the fight mechanics, which we obviously are aware not all of the applicants possess.

    Last but not least, the last few questions which may surprise you, are purely logical common sense questions, re-read them again if they look confusing, instead of writing "WTF I AM NOT A PHYSICS MAJOR".

    Hope this helps, and will reduce the ingame spam of my officers about applications, thanks

  10. Phreak worst warrior lowest dps all time and always dead ~8k dps wtf
    Ethi so bad, can't even down The Fallen Protectors on heroic because he's such a bad tank!

  11. wat you dun even have dem on lfr

    oh and I just saw you ONLY have them on lfr, im sowwie phreak
    i still love you <3333333333333333333333

    and another edit!
    Most prestigious raid title: Bane of the Fallen King
    Most prestigious raid title: Conqueror of Orgrimmar


  12. Hello Aurora. I come bearing free bumps and cookies.
    ps. Cleaned up the mess.

  13. Hello Aurora. I come bearing free bumps and cookies.
    ps. Cleaned up the mess.
    ty qtpie


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