1. Introducing myself

    The WoW client is going to take a while to download, so I might as well pass by and say 'hi' to you people, or something.

    I am the "noobest" WoW player ever, sucking at WoW since... 2007, maybe? Yeah, 2007, when I used to play on private servers with some friends, in tbc. When I say I suck, I mean it. I don't know much about PvP but I like wandering around the world, killing things when I'm bored. I might as well go and read some guides or something, specially considering they change a lot of stuff in every expansion, and I've been without playing in like, forever.

    About myself... I'm just a programmer/web designer. I like videogames, I like manga, and I like machines.

  2. Hey there,

    That is quite a long time playing WoW ;) Hope you enjoy Warmane!

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