1. 3 Weeks Ago  

    problem staying connected

    its been happening more and more lately, warmane loves to disconnect me JUST long enough for me to get BG deserter, or dungeon deserter, then i can magically log back in 1-2 minutes after im booted from the BG or dungeon. it ONLY disconnects me if im in a dungeon, or a BG. no other times does this happen, and its happened 10 or so times in the last 3 days. did i make warmane angry? because ive never had this issue until about a week ago. ive donated, im on a premium account, so it cant be server stress. ive been playing on warmane since 2014, and this is just now happening. its not any specific server, either. its all of them. Icecrown, Lordaeron, Onyxia and Blackrock.

  2. 3 Weeks Ago  
    ive been playing on warmane since 2014, and this is just now happening. its not any specific server, either. its all of them. Icecrown, Lordaeron, Onyxia and Blackrock.
    Take a moment to think what changes you've made to your PC or WoW client recently (before DC's started occurring).
    It's most likely an addon.

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