1. Dead Softlocked

    I'm currently softlocked where my character is currently dead but I can't move. This happened after being randomly disconnected from the server(Icecrown). After logging back in I found myself dead and at the graveyard in Sanctum of the Stars in Shadowmoon Valley with my corpse near the road at Eclipse Point. No popup for me to release my spirit was ever present. The Spirit Healer is literally in front of me yet I can't commune with her. I tried using various means of moving yet my character won't budge. I tried using the unstuck feature and it didn't do anything. Several restarts and relogging and it still doesn't work. I've asked different people if they can rezz me and all they said is that I'm already in spirit form and that they aren't able to rezz me. I've even tried using "/script RepopMe()" but it doesn't do it for me.

    I've already submitted a ticket but in case anyone has some other way to fix this, please let me know.

  2. I tried using the unstuck feature and it didn't do anything.
    Do you mean "in-game" unstuck? Then use website unstuck:

    From the website go into My Account>Services>Select Realm>Select Character>Set Currency:Free>Character Unstuck

  3. Late response but thanks for the solution, it worked perfectly.

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