1. Overwrite new client with old client (wotlk), is it possible?

    I have the new models client but as most know every now and then in arena 1 or 2 of the opposing players are invisible in dalaran arena. I wanna get the old client to get around this, but would hate to redo all my macros etc.

    Is it possible to just overwrite it somehow to keep macros/addons?

    edit: Solved it with your help, thanks alot guys <3
    Edited: November 2, 2020 Reason: solved

  2. @Thorbjorn that post of mine is out of date. (I am gonna edit it just in case you link it again)

    You can delete WoD/Legion models to solve the issue:
    1. Open WoW folder
    2. Open the Data folder.
    3. Delete the patch-w.mpq file.
    4. Delete the patch-x.mpq file
    5. Open the enUS folder.
    6. Delete the patch-enUS-w.mpq file.
    7. Delete the patch-enUS-x.mpq file

    Btw, if you have to download a client again, you just need to use "WTF" and "Interface" folders of your previus client to keep all Addons/macros settings
    Edited: November 2, 2020

  3. @Thorbjorn that post of mine is out of date. (I am gonna edit it just in case you link it again)
    Yeah, I know but it has the correct steps so I don't see a reason why not to link it. Better to link than to steal the solution :<

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