1. Multiboxer on wintergrasp

    I know too many people on this server have seen some of these craps, so i'm here to reclaim some GM to ban these multiboxers, those who ruin the experience of the game.

    The link i put here, are some images of bots i've seen on wintergrasp. It should be good if someone can ban these guys, unfortunately, there're only 2 names highlighted but with some effort maybe you could find the others.

  2. multiboxing is allowed, up to 25 characters. deal with it or don't play.


    "#15: Complaints about Multi-boxing -- Hostility towards the server or other members due to the subject of multi-boxing is considered inappropriate. It is an allowed and supported play-style of this game, and the mistreatment of others for it is forbidden. Moderation action taken will depend upon the severity of the action and if the member has a history of offenses. Feel free to read about our stance on multiboxing here."

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