1. Lakeshire under siege

    Hello There!

    iam a really big problem in Lakeshire, some horde fellows are killing us mercyless for the past hour.

    I mean, iam just playing in Lakeshire and Wam! iam dead.....alright i do resurrect and then....3,2,1... back to the graveyard again!

    Its ok to be horde and to kill allies but please, we are in Lakeshire around the Inn. I cannot even get to the glyph in order to chance town.

    i tried to take screnshoot but, you know, the time between respawn is a little bit odddly after seven times in a row

  2. This might present a problem to you but it's not that needs solving. PvP is allowed in all forms.
    There's plenty of options to do when you are getting ganked:
    1. Unstuck to home city and do profession.
    2. Queue dungeon.
    3. Go to another zone.

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