1. BLOOD DPS guide from Elitist Jerks (+60 pages of discussion and a bis list)

    Hello Warmane community,

    For the lack of an extensive blood dps guide, I have gotten my hands on an informative guide on the spec. Blood is at the moment with current scripting doing very good single target and dual target dps, especially when high geared, and guides are hard to find.

    LINK: Elitist Jerks Blood Simple - The Day The Music Died

    Bis gear closely mimics the gear of a warrior and is as follows, as orc and with jewelcrafting+engineering; this puts you at:
    261/7.96% hit rating
    26 expertise
    and 1260/90% armor penetration.

    head: Sanctified Scourgelord Helmet | +20 ARP , Relentless Earthsiege Diamond - Ebon blade rep enchant
    neck: Penumbra Pendant, | +10 str +10 crit
    shoulder: Sanctified Scourgelord Shoulderplates | +20 ARP - Sons of Hodir enchant
    cloak: Winding Sheet | +10 str +10 crit - 23 haste enchant
    chest: Sanctified Scourgelord Battleplate | +20 ARP, +20 ARP - 10 stats enchant
    wrists: Umbrage Armbands | +20 ARP - 50 attack power enchant
    hands: Aldriana's Gloves of Secrecy | +20 hit, +20 ARP - hyperspeed accelerator enchant from engineering
    belt: Coldwraith Links | +10 str +10 crit, +20 ARP, +20 ARP - eternal belt buckle
    legs: Sanctified Scourgelord Legplates | +34 hit rating, +10 stats (nightmare tear) - 72 attack power 20 crit rating enchant
    boots: Apocalypse's Advance | +20 ARP, +20 ARP - nitro boosts enchant from engineering
    ring1: Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance | +10 str +10 hit
    ring2: Signet of Twilight | +20 expertise
    trinket1: Deathbringer's Will
    trinket2: Sharpened Twilight Scale
    weapon: Shadowmourne | +34 ARP, +34 ARP; +20 str - Fallen Crusader enchant (runeforging)
    sigil: Sigil of Virulence

    If you are not an orc, I would suggest replacing Inscribed Ametrines (10str+10crit) with 3 expertise gems.

    Stat weights are as follows, with the bis itemization:

    AttackPower | 1 (1,13 DPS/per AP)

    Strength | 2,8

    Agility | 1,75

    CritRating | 2,28

    HasteEstimated | 2,25

    HasteRating | 2,35

    Hit Rating (before 8% cap) | 5,29

    ExpertiseRating (before 26 cap) | 3,88

    Weapon DPS | 11,15

    Weapon Speed | 362,83

    I personally enjoy blood dps because of high numbers, but I'd like to bring up a great summarizing quote from Elitist Jerks:

    Originally Posted by Decaying
    The problem is that Blood has too many requirements to meet to flourish.

    As far as DK specs go for end-game content currently its largely as follows:

    Does your raid have Crypt Fever/EPB? If yes - then move to the next step. If no - spec Unholy.
    Does your raid have improved WF? If yes then move to the next step. If no - spec Frost.
    Do you have Shadowmourne? If no, then spec Frost. If yes - move to the next step.
    Does your gear meet the requirements to gem armor pen close enough to the cap while remaining hit capped and being close to expertise cap? If no, then spec Unholy. If yes - spec Blood.

    Basically you have to be lucky enough to have a Shadowmourne, a full-time Unholy DK with good attendance, a source for 20% melee haste, a specific gear set (worrying about 3 caps, as opposed to 1 cap as unholy), and a reason to focus on single-target dps with the understanding that your multi-target dps (3+ targets) will suffer because of this.
    as a bonus, here is a random pug DBS encounter with bis gear, without speed potions and with a duration of 2 minutes 50 seconds. This amounts to 1x hysteria and 2x DRW, ending with 21k dps.

    Edited: March 15, 2022

  2. May 18, 2023  
    Why is this not under Blood pve dps guide section ? do the forum mods enforce the propaganda that blood is not viable or smth ?

  3. May 18, 2023  
    Why is this not under Blood pve dps guide section ? do the forum mods enforce the propaganda that blood is not viable or smth ?
    No we just usually don't add threads to the class guide lists unless asked.

  4. Are yo sure that u need 90% arp i read somewhere that the reduce armor talent dont count for the arp cap.

  5. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Are yo sure that u need 90% arp i read somewhere that the reduce armor talent dont count for the arp cap.

    100% you need it....

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