1. All arena items should be obtainable through 2v2


    I think its kind of unfair that we need to obtain the rating requirement for the better wrathful weapons and wrathful shoulders from 3v3 and 5v5 since these two ladders are basically dead. To be fair I don't mind people donating these items but I wish there was some actually obtainable rating requirements to unlock these items because now it feels like there's really no real goal to aim for in the only playable arena ladder that is 2v2. One can only hope that the 3s will resurrect with the merge but I doubt it will change much.


  2. You mean win trade harder. Most of the rating achieved through 3s I've seen has been through abuse of the system, since there is no real competitive environment here.

  3. 1st wrathful weapons aren't very good, you can and should get much better from icc25h. even on retail they were mostly just status symbols people wore for style.

    2nd relentless shoulders are fine

  4. 1st wrathful weapons aren't very good, you can and should get much better from icc25h. even on retail they were mostly just status symbols people wore for style.

    2nd relentless shoulders are fine
    for some classes even wintergrasp shoulders>wrathfull>rele

  5. 1st wrathful weapons aren't very good, you can and should get much better from icc25h. even on retail they were mostly just status symbols people wore for style.

    2nd relentless shoulders are fine
    But then again first wrathful weps are much easier to get than ICC25hc weps.

  6. All arena items should be obtainable through 2v2?

    No. Give ppl a reason to do 3v3 and 5v5. Some items and titles should only be obtainable through 3v3 and/or 5v5, and not 2v2.

  7. Making these items available for 2s would kill the 3s bracket completly.
    Instead the 3s rating requirements should be lowered.
    1800 rating for shoulder and 2k rating for elite weapon would be requirements that are possible to reach.
    After all this should increase the incentive to play 3s again.

  8. No. Give ppl a reason to do 3v3 and 5v5. Some items and titles should only be obtainable through 3v3 and/or 5v5, and not 2v2.
    And how has that worked out so far? In 3s there is 4 teams above 2k and one of them is above 2.2k. It has been like this for long enough and it's not going to magically get better all of sudden. It's basically impossible to get +2k in 3v3 or 5v5. You are either trolling or being ignorant.

  9. And how has that worked out so far? In 3s there is 4 teams above 2k and one of them is above 2.2k. It has been like this for long enough and it's not going to magically get better all of sudden. It's basically impossible to get +2k in 3v3 or 5v5. You are either trolling or being ignorant.
    Wait for the merge. It should make all arena brackets more active.
    If 3s remains inactive rating requirements can be lowered depending on the activety.

  10. Making these items available for 2s would kill the 3s bracket completly.
    Instead the 3s rating requirements should be lowered.
    1800 rating for shoulder and 2k rating for elite weapon would be requirements that are possible to reach.
    After all this should increase the incentive to play 3s again.
    I have been playing a long time on a different server that had all items obtainable from 2s and from 3s/5s with lowered ratings. It definitely did not kill the 3s bracket completely. By making these items obtainable through 2s would get us a lot more players in arena and naturally some of them would distribute to the 3s/5s brackets aswell. Also I think it's pretty funny that you said "would kill the 3s bracket completely", implying that it's not currently dead.

  11. Wait for the merge. It should make all arena brackets more active.
    If 3s remains inactive rating requirements can be lowered depending on the activety.
    Well I hope this is the case but look at Lordaeron. They have +10k online all the time but their 3s and 5s are dead aswell. Deathwing's 3s and 5s are pretty similar to us so the merge probably won't make a difference. Combining to dead brackets won't solve the problem.

  12. half of lordaerons community is still leveling and the other half plays only pve.
    Deathwing and Ragnaros have much more pvper.

  13. Man.. The Wrathful shoulders wont make you in any way better or something if you are caster just Relentles, or Wintegrasp ones bcz they give nice haste. If you are like mage just farm Lady in ICC 25 HC to get Shoulders Of Mercy Killing HC version which are way better then Wrathfull you can also use 277 Lvl PvE Heroic + LEGS for example to give u Nice bonus.. and probably u need 4/5 Wrathful in other words because you need that bonuses. and shoulders don't give any bonus so ye. don't hate me pls xd * fck it they look so amazing* ;cc

  14. Hello it's OP here. I'm here just to remind you that the 3s are still very much ded even though the server population is through the roof. Very simple way to resurrect the 3s/5s brackets would be to lower the rating requirements for items through 3s/5s and also have the items obtainable through 2s.

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