1. WoW Woltk i remember it diffrent

    it wonders me that ppl play on lordaeron i remember woltk easyer and the xp rate was also diffrent then here i dont cry arround but im a bit mad that i put 7 hours in right now and im only lvl 12 i dont get it im not sure what im doing wrong
    but i still play and torture my *** up to 80 and look if it was rly worth
    Ps: 9 hours
    Edited: April 1, 2016

  2. The simple answer is you suck at leveling. It's not warmane's fault.

  3. nah when i was younger i had a lvl 45 hunter and i died i think only a few times :D dont be that unnicely noone likes you when you are like that :) how about to give me some tipps ? ;)
    Edited: April 1, 2016

  4. Here's a Tip stop Licking Windows, afking, begging for gold, and being the all purpose pleb. Kill **** level up stfu raid get gear secure Virginity, then pass into Legend as top pleb.

  5. finaly one guy who gives me tipps ty :D

  6. So since you are in need of some tips I took the liberty of writing down some of them. Hope you're ready:

    • Beg for all the gold you can. Being a Jew makes you a top player in World of Warcraft.
    • You're always better than anyone else. That's the number one rule of this game. It doesn't matter if you never did the content and it doesn't matter if you lack experience on your class. You're ALWAYS better.
    • Learn an east european language and bash all the players that call you bad. Bulgarian is a good choice!
    • Whenever you're leveling and you die - Remember to go to Global and bash those noobs that are AFK in Dalaran instead of bothering helping you. They're the real issue.
    • Pray to Cristiano Ronaldo and to our lord and saviour Donald Trump. When you're in doubt remember; They're inside your heart giving you a light.
    • In PvP if anyone beats the living hell out of you remember that you always have the perfect excuse for those kind of situations: I'm Lagging!
    • Last and the most crucial one: Don't ever let others take your loot. Take everything that you can even if you can't use it. That's the most crucial point in this game. When you have so many gear that means you're actually good.

    All jokes aside now, you do know that Lordaeron is a x1 Realm and takes an effort to level right?
    Edited: April 1, 2016

  7. You should pray to Cristiano Ronaldo and he will level you faster.

    Together We Can Make Warmane Great Again.
    Edited: April 1, 2016

  8. Basically just focus on the game and stop slacking around in capitals or doing unnecessary and slow quests. If you're really putting 7 hours a day into this game, then you should be 80 within 2 weeks max.

  9. if you find it to slow than try deathwing or ragnaros, they're 7x so you level faster.

  10. Pray to Cristiano Ronaldo and to our lord and saviour Donald Trump. When you're in doubt remember; They're inside your heart giving you a light.
    With Trump, they're also inside a wall.

  11. With Trump, they're also inside a wall.
    Shhh, that's a secret.

  12. it wonders me that ppl play on lordaeron i remember woltk easyer and the xp rate was also diffrent then here i dont cry arround but im a bit mad that i put 7 hours in right now and im only lvl 12 i dont get it im not sure what im doing wrong
    but i still play and torture my *** up to 80 and look if it was rly worth
    Ps: 9 hours
    It gets easier as you get higher in levels, around 40 things seem to smooth out for me, then slowed down at around 55, then outlands was a breeze and then Northrend was easy peeze up until 77'ish in which case just stick to your questing and you'll be just fine.

    oh and here's a few things you might not know.

    Blizzard nerfed the ammount of XP it took to get from 1 to 60 and from 60 to 70, I feel Warmane might have undone this change.

    You're also not wearing any BoA's. This adds a lot of XP that was taken away.

    Most people that leveled in WoTLK were already high enough in level that they were around endgame 70 or at endgame 70 already when WoTLK went live so they only had to level 10 levels.

    Some of these things are pretty basic, but like I said if you focus just on your questing you can level pretty fast at least up until 50 or so, that's when it really starts to suck as the game forces you to go about every where you can go to get that last big of exp so run as many dungeons as you can to get some filler xp to move things along.
    Edited: April 2, 2016

  13. I levelled to 80 on one char, to 68 on another and 23 on a 3rd so far.. In my memory it does take longer than it did in WOTLK, feels like the XP required is much higher than I remember, pre Outland feels like TBC levelling in terms of XP gains while WOTLK nerfed XP required in 1-60 content. Either way it was a great levelling experience, a few bugs and broken quests but mostly all good, characters get a lot stronger naturally above 20-25.

  14. i put 7 hours in right now and im only lvl 12
    With 7 hours I could be level 20 through questing and killing mobs, or level 40 were I to boost it through dungeons with my 80.

    You're doing something really wrong.

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