1. Ridiculous anti-spam meassures?

    Greetings everyone.

    I am relatively new on Warmane, and I have enjoyed playing here with lots of friends that I made since I joined in October. You may notice this is my first post on these forums, and given how I'm not the person who likes to farm postcount and hang out on forums much, it's a surprise even for me to be showing up here, let alone making a topic myself. I came here to play the game, not to post stuff on forums, but now I am just horribly annoyed by one thing I couldn't take, and I'm quite positive I'm not the only one here.
    P.S. As I said, I'm new on forums here, so if I'm doing something wrong, writing in wrong section or whatsoever, please be so kind to move it to the proper location for a thread like this.

    The issue I'm having is your ridiculous anti-spam meassure that comes in the shape of getting 1 minute mute once you write 2 quick lines in chat. Alright, before it was on /say only, granted, we can take that. It's not too big of a deal. I'm not the guy who writes 1 simple sentence in 6 lines in the first place so I'm fine but hey.
    Implementing that on whispers, raid chat and raid warnings? Guys, how can you even think of an idea like such? Let me give you examples for all 3 of those, why they are horribly wrong and in cases unacceptable and are seriously ruining my (and probably not only my) game experience on Warmane (or Ragnaros, no idea if it was implemented anywhere else):

    You can say I'm a friendly guy and I use my whispers a lot, so earlier today when I was chatting with 3 different people, I answered 2 of them in a matter of seconds and I was punished with mute. Like, seriously... Conversations suffer, may or may not they be of any importance, enviornment and social part of this game is still a huge part of it.

    Why would there be any reason to mute people in their own private chats? Who's gaming experience am I ruining if I chat with a little bit more hype with a particular person, perhaps even my girlfriend in this case? If someone is bothered by random people's spam, there is always ignore list. It was made for a reason, wasn't it?

    Other case. I am leading a guild which regularly raids 25 man raids, and of course, I take big part of leading those raids and sometimes, if we're not on Teamspeak (and it is our right to not be on it, it is in no way connected to the game itself), some raid warnings, spam, any of those are always useful to raise awareness to some situations that are happening in that moment. Now I can't do that without getting muted and I'm completely incapacitated from leading the raid for next 60 seconds. Hell, even /dbm pull is muting you now. What about people who use addons such as Fatality or MPR?

    I, again, am unable to see the reasoning for this kind of punishment over this. Only thing that comes to my mind is Wintergrasp, and why it may be an issue, but you are doing more harm than well with this.

    On the behalf of everyone troubled by this same issue, I beg you to reconsider these meassures, as I believe they are too severe and unnecessary. I hope you will see some sense in what I speak, and make the right call over this by revoking these changes.

    - Itamedruids.

  2. Agreed, this doesn`t help anything, it actually breaks a fundamental functionalty of this game

  3. , it actually breaks a fundamental functionalty of this game
    But it opens so many doors for TACTICS THROUGH CHARADES!

    Seriously though, can we get this rescinded? :(

  4. Great for Trade Chat...

    Terrible for Raids...

  5. I came here to post about this because I got muted for 1 minute after sending two fast whispers.

    Please remove this feature (or rather, fix it), it's honestly quite ridiculous. It was annoying when it was 3 messages in /say, but this isn't even workable.

  6. They said that they'll soften it soon-ish in the in-game Q&A today.

  7. I wish they could elaborate on what that "soften" means. It doesn't sound very reassuring, to say the least.

  8. I (kind of) understood the mute in general chat, but getting muted while whispering and party (and raid?) is pretty ridiculous. If there's spam going on in a party not like its bothering the people in there. I hope it gets fixed asap since I'm literally scared to talk to my friends cause can get muted for 40 sec all the time lol.

  9. this new anti spam mechanism seems like we in north korea or sometihng

  10. Is just that you never type two lines in row.And you will never get muted. :)
    Example: Never type,in say chat
    I will
    Do that
    Wait for two second to pass then type again the next sentence type the words in one chat instead of 2 chats.

    P.s i like this,because people won't spam you and we won't **** eachother,dunno personally can't explain lol.
    I only dislike this because is not implemented on global.

  11. The /s thing is already borderline, but honestly? I can get that.
    However, the same thing is also applied to stuff like /ra, /rw and /p, which literally breaks the functionalty of several PvE and PvP related announcement addons (including pulltimers in PvE and cooldown announcements in PvP), which cannot be the intention.

  12. But they can do such a simple measurement- every few days, GM can be in game for some time and mute for few days those who spam ****, linking stupid weapons, spam guild invites etc.... Others will learn their lesson.

  13. Very well written post. Thank you for that.
    I also agree with this. I do not see the need for the limits to be this extreme. Softening them up would be a good idea.

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