1. Dungeon Finder Help


    I am a pretty much brand new player to WoW and recently I decided to finally try out the dungeon finder. I used the random option and waited. I got accepted as a DPS and clicked accept.

    I was under the impression that it would teleport me to the dungeon as that is what happened in my last (and first) one but it didn't, and they started to do it without me and I felt embarrassed as a little after they were wondering where I was and I didn't really know what to tell them so I just sort of... left.

    I feel bad that I left but I had no idea what to do in that instance. I wanted to make sure exactly what the dungeon finder does and to know if it supposed to teleport me so I don't run into a scenario where that happens again.

    Thanks for reading.
    Edited: December 5, 2020

  2. You won't be teleported if you are in combat, jumping or falling. You can click on the slit-eye icon near minimap when your group is found and there will be option "Teleport to dungeon". Click that when you are ready if you didn't get ported initially.

    Very rarely it glitches and you get "you have no valid teleportation locations" or something like that, usually people just disband the group then.

  3. You have saved me. Thank you. You shall be remembered.

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