1. Realm Info, progression?

    Hi, returning to warmane for some WotLK goodtaims, but when looking around the site and forum for info on which realms operate under what rules/modifyers, and how far the realms raid progression is, how long since/untill next server reset etc

    The Lordaeron section had a helpful sticky with some of this info, where do i find for the other WotLK realms?


  2. I dont know for sure but I could answer your question at hand.

    You probably know about Lordaeron allready, realm is a few years old but it's raid content it's really hard so people progress much slower therefore even being as old of a server as lordaeron is, people are not yet "BiS" geared, offcourse some are but the whole realm in general isn't. There is no server reset there.

    Frostmourne is Warmane's newest idea where the whole server resets every years, moving the existing characters to the Icecrown realm so you can play on that realm if you want to contineu your character, or start fresh with everyone else on Frostwolf, The realm itself has a slightly tuned up raid difficulty, not as high as Lordaeron though, and due to the concept or "wiping" the realm clean every year it will feel fresh and a good opportunity to play Wotlk at the early patches before all the endgame started.

    Icecrown is Warmanes oldest realm and the so called "flagship" realm for many years, it started 2009 in october or november with a realm called "Neltharion" After that it has been merged with other realms 1 or 2 times to increase it's population cap and bring more players together on the same realm. What this means though is that many people have best gear allready on 10-20 character, Realm is really old and most people know exactly what their doing regardless of pve or pvp, so the competition may be fierce, don't let that scare you though, it's still the easiest realm in terms or raid and dungeon difficulty.
    There is also no reset on Icecrown.

    There is also addition information about every realm in the "character create / select" menu ingame, In a box to the left, after you selected realm.

  3. Stellar mate, thanks for this. Few followups

    - Frostmourne seems like a good concept, kinda like diablo 3 seasons vs non-season. During a seasons, do raiders get all the way to ICC and LK HC? Or isnt there enough time cause of upscaled diff

    - I wanna raid Ulduar as somewhat current content, meaning no overgeared guildies carrying thru a faceroll. ICC as a bonus, but can live without. Which realm suits that?

    - The non-reset realms,

  4. Cheers, First yes Frostmourne will release all the content and have around 3 month's for each patch all the way up to ICC and RS.

    For Ulduar with people in ulduar gear you need to go Frostmourne, they recently released the ulduar patch (15th this month), otherwise Lordaeron would be closest but Lordaeron have people going ICC so most people are overgeared for ulduar and Icecrown does have all those overgeared people everywhere.

    There are guilds forming on Icecrown from time to time that does serious WOTLK progression from start in Naxx to the end in Ruby Sanctum and they allow no one in their raids to wear anything better then for example 226/232 Ilvl items in Ulduar, but one of those guilds pop up every 2nd year or so, so their not that common.
    It's more common to find "Herald of the titans" groups and Ulduar Glory runs for the proto drake on Icecrown.

    Icecrown will not reset.
    Lordaeron will not reset.
    Frostmourne will reset April 12 next year (I think).

    Let me just clearify again, Even though Frostmourne resets on april next year it will move your characters to Icecrown, so you can continue on that realm.
    Edited: July 30, 2020

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