1. Ques and Kicks

    Started playing WOTLK a few days ago and I find that so many people are queing to get into the server. So I want to propose a simple solution.

    The Problem : Too many people queing to get into the server.
    Cause of the Problem : Too many people "AFK"
    (Side Note : I have been playing on this server for a long time [yes! I played here from the old Molten days] and I can confirm (101%) for sure that the "Cause of the Problem" I said is true.)
    Solution : The solution for this queing problem (oh the long hours of queing T_T) of ours is easy to resolve. The game just have to kick afk people. Thats it!? Yes thats it easy as pie. Because afk players don't get DC'd by the game this fill up the realm pretty fast. I remember being afk for 30min+ and not getting DC'd at all. If the game dc'd players lets say players who have been afk for 20 - 30 minutes no one will have to ever que again (thats a promise). Because probably around 10% of the players currently playing in the realm are afks.

  2. I don't understand what business you have with what I'm doing with my play time? I will AFK whenever I want. Whats next? Kick everyone who is online more than 2 hrs because "too long online"?

    Same crap 99 times. Go donate some euro and skip que. "I can't afford..." yeah, sure, you probably should spend your time more productive anyway.

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