1. the focus of the devs

    as you all know the devs focus were on lornderon, now that woltk has been released there there is much less content to release so do you think that warmane will focus more on FW and netherlion.
    sorry for spelling mistakes

  2. check older thread and you will see... they have still some things to do for example script wotlk raids ... maybe in 5 months you will see something new on fw

  3. check older thread and you will see... they have still some things to do for example script wotlk raids ... maybe in 5 months you will see something new on fw
    and who are you? how do you know this 5 months

    are you staff?

  4. Their focus is to make you happy (soon), Kappa.

    Well they know how the population feel and they won't do anything any faster because people keep crying about it so we gotta deal with it if we want to play on their servers

  5. http://prntscr.com/9g7ds8 this will rly happen you just understand that in time...
    check older threads and you will see lot of peoples said true story like i said no patch until new year and i said that 2 months again when warmane announce it and said 2-3 weeks until release
    Edited: December 19, 2015

  6. 5.4.8 release soooon!!
    - whalemane 4/10/2k15

    Hype hype hype!!!?¿

  7. New Change log!

    Several things have been updated and scripted on MOP

    5.4.8 is now released

    All of the above require the payment of patience and reading the SOON Keyword a million times a day.

    TL:DR: Find another server until you find Frostwolf being spammed on the landing page of LoreMane.

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