1. Remove Raidbuffs for TBC,Naxx, Ulduar Raids

    Hello currently Lordaeron is pretty boring. Only ToC,VoA and Onyxia.

    Nobody does Ulduar/Naxx anymore because it is still overbuffed and you can just skip it because gearing through toc/ony/voa/profession items and xmas event just makes both raid pretty much useless. Im sure if you would finally remove especially naxx buff fresh lvl 80s would do some Naxx run to gear up and not only toc/ony. Aswell People would visit it for Scrolls and help lower geard people to get gear from there. And dont just raid toc/togc 2hours per id and afk the rest in Dalaran.

    Same counts for TBC Raids almost nobody does it because you need so many player its not even worth to farm the transmog items especially sunwell. So people dont even go and try it.

    Please as an activ Lordaeron player who loves the server remove these raidbuffs so people stop afking in Dalaran and have stuff to do

  2. ye especially TBC raids so people can farm for transmog.

  3. Naxx should be nerfed back to retail state for sure.

    Ulduar should remain as it is since there are still relevant items to get from there even for top end guilds (Valanyr - certain trinkets/off pieces - also block sets for anub HC) but it certainly should be nerfed to retail values once ICC is released.

  4. Naxx should be nerfed back to retail state for sure.

    Ulduar should remain as it is since there are still relevant items to get from there even for top end guilds (Valanyr - certain trinkets/off pieces - also block sets for anub HC) but it certainly should be nerfed to retail values once ICC is released.
    The further progress/bigger guilds dont have to problem since they just run it with their overgear anyways. its mainly for pugs/newer player who atm just ger through toc5 straight into toc10/ony and skip uld/naxx because its totally useless

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