If you really want to do a ruby guide you should probably cover what each class has to do, making a section for RDPS and throwing some generic information doesn't really cut it since , for example, 2 classes like spriests and hunter, while both being rdps, have 2 very different jobs.
You wrote generic mechanic information like "> Never ever go near the Head or Tail of Halion and stay away from the outer Edge of the Room." 6 times but didn't actually cover any important stuff like what to dps, when to use cooldowns, who to heal and what to do in certain scenarios. I've seen my fair share of disc priests shielding like they're waiting for the next infest or resto shamans inside spamming chain heals with 150-200k healing on the MT. This is the important information you need to cover, not rotating with the cutters and moving out with the debuff.
You don't rotate the boss at all. The group is in charge of moving out of the flame. In case there's flames on you (the main tank) you move forwards or backwards, avoid rotating the boss so you don't tailswipe everybody.
And coming back to the point I made above, writing 3 lines on the MT section of the guide doesn't help anybody (especially if those 3 lines are "taunt the boss, taunt the inferno, rotate the boss). When does the MT use cds? Does he use them when people cross? Does he use them on breaths? Does he use them when the living inferno is on him? Does he not use them at all?
Not exactly the RDPS that pulls the embers to you, it's shadowpriests in particular because of their "get out of jail free" card in the form of Fade.
It's always going to be 1 or 2 hunters depending on how experienced your MT is and what class he's playing (if it's a DK tank you don't even need any hunters in the last phase). You don't heavily prefer hunters, there's nothing special about them, you don't wanna roll with 6-7 hunters instead of a proper comp.
I know you edited this but I'd like to point out that Living Inferno is immune to taunt.
You've edited these 2 as well. Genuinely curious where you've done these setups (which guild/realm/faction), these look amazing if they work. If you have any youtube video or a twitch vod of a kill using these setups please share, I'm sure I'm not the only one that's curious about it.
Would like to point out that this particular setup hasn't been the default one for at least 2 years. Yes, you used to 2 heal it inside but people started transitioning to 3 heals somewhere in 2019. Rumors say that halion's damage was buffed inside, not sure about this piece of information, never looked it up personally. You can still 2 heal it but it's not the standard anymore. Also by default you run 5 mdps, 6 only in case of really bad corporeality.
I have no idea where you got this setup from and why you thought putting it as an example in a guide was a good idea. I've never seen something like this in my entire life.
-bear OT: 2nd worst if not the worst adds tank. You only use bears or DK's as OT's if you have no other choice because of saved characters/people online/whatever other reason. Paladins and warriors are the best OT's.
-enhancement shamans play inside. If you want melee haste for your rogues you get a DK tank outside, you don't specifically fetch an enhancement for outside. Every class can aoe the embers down, you don't need fire novas for it.
-hpala+holy priest+rdruid is an incredibly bad healing setup for outside. Holy paladins and resto shamans are the best tank healers, they both can pull over 1 mil healing on the tank. 3rd spot is usually a slightly worse healer that has an external (usually disc, can be replaced with holy priest). Resto druid is a worse tank healer with no external cooldown, he's the perfect example of a healer that you really don't want outside. Standard setup is usually hpal+rsham+disc where you don't really want to replace the hpala or rsham. I can't remember if I've ever seen rdruid outside twice. I know I've seen it once because the rdruid was lagging and kept dying to cutters so they sent the disc priest inside instead, but I can't recall if I've seen it twice or only that one time. And I've done well over 500 rubies.
-1hpala+1rsham inside: As I mentioned some paragraphs ago, ruby nowadays is done with 3 healers inside. Yea, this used to work and is doable today as well if they're 2 really good healers, but why would you put the only healer that doesn't lose any healing when rotating with the cutters (rdruid) outside and keep 2 hard casters inside? Rdruids and hpriests are arguably the best healers for inside.
Won't comment too much on tanks since literally any tank combination works for both inside and outside but if you have a paladin and a DK it's usually the other way around. DKs are the best outside tanks because:
-they don't rely on hunters when the Living Inferno spawns. You can fetch the inferno and keep agro on it without any MD's while paladins/bears/warriors all need at least one MD, preferably 2 and they don't have any method of generating any initial threat on the Inferno when's it's far away (except for faerie fire/heroic throw which are pepega spells, glyphed avenging's shield is fine but it's only 1 spell on a fairly high cooldown).
-you have great cooldowns that you can rotate throughout the whole fight. You only need some external cooldown once.
-you can keep yourself alive when the group is crossing without using any cds you need for the infernos. You have tap+deathstrikes for the white hits and AMS/sindy trinket for the breaths. Every other tank just has to close his eyes and pray they get some instant cast heals.
Inside tank can be anything. Inside group needs mangle, melee haste, AP reduction on the boss and 2 freedoms. If the inside healers are really good you can even drop a ret and assign the holy paladin on one of the freedoms. AP reduction is provided by every tank except DK, so if you're going with DK tank you'll need at least 1 fury warrior to keep demo shout up. Inside group usually looks something like:
- 3 healers
-mangle bot (1) + melee haste bot (2)+ sunder bot (3) + freedom bot (4) + freedom bot nr2 or empty spot (5) + empty spot (6) --> this includes 1 tank+5dps
if you have a bear tank, you drop the cat inside and go for 2rets+2warriors. If you have a dk tank, you drop the fdk/enha and go for cat+2rets+2warriors.If you have a pala/warrior tank, you go both cat+fdk/enha and you either take 1 ret and put the hpala on a freedom or you go 2 rets+1fwarr (he's gonna hate his life playing solo warrior but it is what it is)
If you're a DK sure. If you're a paladin you don't pop dprot, you ask for an external (sacrifice or PS) and go inside with wings to start building up threat fast. Never rely on people not dps-ing when they get inside or a rogue saving his tott on the 2nd meteor.
You usually want at least one mage for arcane intellect and FM. Also a proper setup runs 2 shadowpriests and not 1 because of 2 main reasons:
-if your shadowpriest dies because he didn't use Fade properly you're forced to pick him up or it's a 90% chance you wipe. With 2 spriests you have more room for error.
-Mind Blast --> mind blast only offers replenishment on 10 people so you need 2 mind blast bots outside. Running only 1 shadow priest means a couple of people are going to have a terrible time when it comes to mana management.
I appreciate the fact you wanted to do a guide and I know you did it with the best of intentions, but the guide together with some of the comments do more harm than good. Watch some streams, ask around and try to rewrite a proper version if you really want to help.