1. (H)LF raiding guild

    Hey all,

    I have recently quit retail to come back to Warmane after months of trying to enjoy retail. I don't have the best of GS, I am currently sitting at 5.6k on my warlock. I am looking for a guild to push my limits in and kill bosses as fast as possible. I was a top US raider on retail for multiple expansions so I'm very competitive(I know that doesn't hold much value on this server but I thought I would just throw it out there).

    my name in game is Relenq

  2. Hey all,

    I have recently quit retail to come back to Warmane after months of trying to enjoy retail. I don't have the best of GS, I am currently sitting at 5.6k on my warlock. I am looking for a guild to push my limits in and kill bosses as fast as possible. I was a top US raider on retail for multiple expansions so I'm very competitive(I know that doesn't hold much value on this server but I thought I would just throw it out there).

    my name in game is Relenq
    We are a new raiding guild (Y I K E S) and we have Bane/LoD leadership looking to expand. We clear at least 9/12 HC with three groups (10m) three nights a week at 23:30 ST. Whisper: Easycontent, Easymetric, Lingesare, or Embraced for info/invite if interested.

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