1. May 22, 2017  

    TBC Outland Server - Entirely Unplayable


    I have exhausted every possible option I could to find out as to why the severe lag spikes (which are super inconsistent, minutes apart - sometimes take 5 minutes to happen and sometimes they happen instantaneously upon logging in). They last until I DC myself through another WoW client, and even then I can sometimes have TWO clients open - both lagged out but my character will still be online on both until one FINALLY DC's.*EDIT: I forgot to mention that sometimes the lag will fix itself and everyone just teleports across everywhere and it fixes itself. It's very finnicky and usually I can never get the same kind of result to happen twice - it's all entirely random!

    I've set the affinity of my cores properly through task manager to make use of all 8(7?, it says Core 0 for one which I'm assuming still counts as a core). I'm running on a i7 6700k GTX 1070 GPU. This problems persists with an EMPTY Addon folder as well, I've tried disabling the ones I've left in the folder and everything. It sky rockets to over 1K to 5K. I even tried leaving the UC area to Durotar to see if it'd alleviate the problem as well with no budge.

    This is all happening while a bro is on my same connection no problems at all, lag free. The only thing I haven't tried that I saw a post mentioning is the WTFast, which, I just think is unnecessary considering obviously my buddies packets are being sent just fine to this servers destination point, which I know is far, but for some reason I think it's just mine that are being rerouted in odd directions causing my inconsistent lag spike issues. There are a couple posts on the forums discussing the same problem as mine but it seems most have resolved theres.

    I'm on a 170Mbps/d 20/u connection. I am connected wirelessly as is my buddy who is playing next to me. I've tried changing wifi bands from 5Ghz to 2.4. I've messed with the config file in the WTF folder to change the affinity to 255 because even after changing the option in task manager to use all my cores it was still only stating "3" for the affinity which is incorrect I'd imagine for the CPU I'm using.

    I can play on the Lordaeron server just fine. It's only this Outland server that is giving me grief.

    I greatly appreciate anyone who uses their time in reading this and helping out with any insight they could think that would resolve this issue.
    Edited: May 22, 2017

  2. May 22, 2017  
    Turn off Process affinity in tast manager, 1 your killing your cpu faster and 2 It causes external issues such as this.

  3. May 22, 2017  
    Turn off Process affinity in tast manager, 1 your killing your cpu faster and 2 It causes external issues such as this.
    I've went back to using just core 0 and core 1, the TBC wow default - and I'm still getting lag spikes. :(

    This is also with absolutely no addons loaded or even in the addon folder.

  4. May 22, 2017  

  5. May 22, 2017  
    I haven't reinstalled the client as I just installed it the couple hours before the server released.

  6. May 22, 2017  
    I've went back to using just core 0 and core 1, the TBC wow default - and I'm still getting lag spikes. :(

    This is also with absolutely no addons loaded or even in the addon folder.
    After doing this I noticed I still get the lag spikes but they don't persist to where it forces me to have to open another client and DC my character out to play. It seems to go away after several moments of intense lag.. but that is still not ideal. Sitting at a red latency should not be the case at all times.

  7. May 22, 2017  
    Stability issues for newborn server is normal i guess.

  8. May 22, 2017  
    So far so good after plenty of things... Did a BIOS update, chipset, USB driver updates but I think the major indicator was as simple as switching USB ports for my WiFi adapter, as stupid as it sounds. Will leave this post up in the mean time incase it decides to sneak back.

    Thanks guys!

  9. May 22, 2017  

  10. May 22, 2017  
    As I noticed on PTR realm my druid quist Trial of the ake and there was few other escort quests which made my client display freez and I couldnt do anything till the escort quest fails, then I can play again. And yes I reinstalled the client since PTR still the same. Even GM told me to reinstall client which I see dont work.

  11. May 22, 2017  
    As I noticed on PTR realm my druid quist Trial of the ake and there was few other escort quests which made my client display freez and I couldnt do anything till the escort quest fails, then I can play again. And yes I reinstalled the client since PTR still the same. Even GM told me to reinstall client which I see dont work.
    Set the terrain distance below half. Its an old client bug

  12. May 22, 2017  
    Installing a new client did nothing for me... I'm really dumbfounded at this point mostly because I have a friend who is literally playing just fine with **** loads of addons in place and still not getting any lag whatsoever.

    And I will still get it if he is offline and I'm online by myself. And if hes online by himself obviously hes fine. I want to chalk it up to an ISP thing but even then that's stretching it.

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