Hello, while i understand this is a topic that gets discussed often here and is still unanswered it would be highly appreciated if game team would clear up a couple of things even if not fully decided to atleast adress what many are asking :
-Will there be a TBC Pre patch?
-Will there be a TBC Beta? and if so will it be closed or open?
-Will there finally be a PTR for testing releases of raids to get the RF races and new content in as proper as possible?
-Will there be a Scourge Invasion event in Vanilla Phase?
-Will there be a Faction Swap/Race Swap and the purchase being coins only or points also?
-Will the TBC Phases be handeled similar to TBC Classic or OG TBC?
-How will the TBC Tuning be handled considering there will no longer be a downsizing of raids? (classic-like blizzlike tuning or pre nerf etc hopefully detailed)
-Will the Dual Spec Cost remain 100g or is it going to increase in TBC Phase?
-By the TBC Launch will the Tuning of the Vanilla raids revert to 40 man or remain 25man?
-Are there plans for a S2 of Onyxia?
-Are we finally gonna have seperate pvp queues from Blackrock/Icecrown once WoTLK launches?
-Is Naxx Vanilla going to be a WoTLK version Naxxramas but retuned for 25man?
-Is Vanilla Naxx release date the same or is it changing?
-Will Vanilla Naxx remain 25Man tuned and remain open along with Onyxia Vanilla?, the Minmaxy nature of TBC will get players to clear Vanilla raids -BWL/AQ included for trinkets and items and even enchants that could be used in earlier phases of the game and some even in the late game so this is something i'm sure many min maxers are interested in.
-Is there a possibility to keep Onyxia Vanilla open for feat of strength achievement up until ToC/Ony Phase of wrath (3.2) ?

This is unlikely to be answered at all but while i understand that most of these are probably undecided if thought of AT ALL, it would mean a great deal of respect to answer some.. especially since this is a server that will have a lifespan of possibly two more years and thus people will be putting effort for the long term and not a hastened phases 1 year frostmourne.

Thanks for reading the wall of text.