1. DPS meter addons: Which one?

    I tried skada, recount and details - all of these addons stopped working, simply not tracking dps after some time of use. Anyone else had this issue?

  2. They bug out because of a bug that causes combat log to fill.
    Insert a combat log clear command into a macro with an ability you use often, download combat log fixer addon or make a macro for clearing combat log and use it every few minutes.

  3. Either Details or Skada-Revisited.

    Anyone using recount in 2021 needs to be...uh...yea...BONESTORM

  4. Make a new macro, use:

    /run local f = CreateFrame("frame",nil,UIParent);f:SetScript("OnU pdate",CombatLogClearEntries);

    drag the icon to your action bar, and every time recount or skada stops working just spam that button a couple times and it will start working again.

  5. Either Details or Skada-Revisited.

    Anyone using recount in 2021 needs to be...uh...yea...BONESTORM
    hey, it still works dont be rude

  6. I tried skada, recount and details - all of these addons stopped working, simply not tracking dps after some time of use. Anyone else had this issue?
    Clearing the log with the console command helps, i made a macro for it. Thanks!

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